schimpy package
schimpy.archive_ts module
Archive SCHISM time series outputs from station, flux and extracted output from a “study”.
Goals: 1. Allow outputs from multiple scenarios to be collected in one directory by adding labels to the name. 2. Translate from fortranesque format to csv with # comments and datetime indexes. 3. Assure that the datetimes are not affected by floating point precision of the time columns 4. Add scenario info as data so that origins can be identified and data can be concatenated.
- schimpy.archive_ts.archive_flux(rundir, ardir, scenario_label, stationfile, scenario_data, runstart)
- schimpy.archive_ts.archive_staout(rundir, ardir, scenario_label, scenario_data, staouts=None, stationfile='', float_format='%.3f', time_unit='s', multi=False, elim_default=True, do_flux=False, time_sharded=False, runstart=None)
- schimpy.archive_ts.archive_time_series(rundir, ardir, runstart, scenario_label=None, scenario_data={}, staouts={}, stationfile='', time_sharded=False)
Archive time series from rundir/outputs to ardir
rundir/param.nml must point to a file with the correct run start
- schimpy.archive_ts.create_arg_parser()
Create an argument parser return: argparse.ArgumentParser
- schimpy.archive_ts.ex()
- schimpy.archive_ts.get_ordered_files(loc, pat, time_sharded)
- schimpy.archive_ts.infer_runstart(rundir)
Infer runstart based on param.nml in directory rundir
- schimpy.archive_ts.main()
- schimpy.archive_ts.main_hardwire()
- schimpy.archive_ts.process_extracted_scalar(rundir, ardir, extract_data_file, variable, model_start, station_file, output_file)
Process extracted data into a time series
- schimpy.archive_ts.shard_number(x)
schimpy.base_io module
This module is a simple common base for text file IO. @outhor: Kijin Nam,
schimpy.batch_metrics module
Create metrics plots in batch mode
- schimpy.batch_metrics.generate_metricsplots(path_inputfile)
schimpy.bctide module
schimpy.bound_linear module
- schimpy.bound_linear.bound_linear(z, z_low, z_high, val_low, val_high)
schimpy.cencoos_download module
- schimpy.cencoos_download.cencoos_schism_opendap(lat_lo, lon_lo, lat_hi, lon_hi, file_base, to_cache, from_cache)
Download cencoos opendap data for all time based on a bounding set of lat/lon file_base : str prefix for files to_cache : bool whether to stash data in numpy arrays to make it easier next time from_cache : use cache rather than download)
The strategy for this download may change with time. When the script was originally written, blocking the query in time was very inefficient
- schimpy.cencoos_download.merc_to_latlon(x, y)
- schimpy.cencoos_download.time_block_report(message, told)
This routine is for reporting incremental timing of parts of the script
schimpy.check_mesh_skewness module
schimpy.clip_dems module
- schimpy.clip_dems.bounding_coords(image)
- schimpy.clip_dems.clip_dem(xlo, xhi, demlist='dem.txt', outformat='AAIGrid', hshift=False, prefix='clipped', verbose=False)
- schimpy.clip_dems.create_arg_parser()
- schimpy.clip_dems.main()
schimpy.combine_consume module
- schimpy.combine_consume.appears_done(wdir, fb, exten, firstblock, lastblock)
Decide if entire file block already appears to have been combined based on existence of combined file. Date not checked
- schimpy.combine_consume.archive_blocks(ar_file, tbase, blocks_per_day=1, ndxmin=1, ndxmax=None)
- schimpy.combine_consume.combine(wdir, blocks, fbase, combine_exe, consume=True, assume_done=True)
- schimpy.combine_consume.combine_consume(is_test=False)
- schimpy.combine_consume.combine_hotstart(wdir, combine_hotstart_exe, minstep=0, maxstep=99999999, consume=True)
- schimpy.combine_consume.create_arg_parser()
Create argument parser for
- schimpy.combine_consume.detect_min_max_index(wdir, sample_fbase)
- schimpy.combine_consume.do_combine(wdir, begin, end, filebase)
- schimpy.combine_consume.do_combine_hotstart(wdir, step)
- schimpy.combine_consume.failed_incomplete(e)
- schimpy.combine_consume.gather_ppf_names(wdir, blocks)
- schimpy.combine_consume.main()
- schimpy.combine_consume.prune_ppf_files(wdir, blocks, fbase, list_only=False)
- schimpy.combine_consume.setup(wdir, filebase)
- schimpy.combine_consume.split(alist, n)
- schimpy.combine_consume.touch(fname, times=None)
schimpy.combine_flux module
Command line tool to merge possibly overlapping flux.dat files from hotstart runs
- schimpy.combine_flux.combine_flux(infiles, outfile, prefer_last=False)
Merge possibly overlapping flux.dat files from hostart runs
- schimpy.combine_flux.create_arg_parser()
- schimpy.combine_flux.main()
Driver to parse arguments
- schimpy.combine_flux.test_combine_flux()
schimpy.contour_smooth module
This module contains tools for a smoother for DEMs (currently tiff format) based on curvature flow The algorithm is based on one by Malladi and Sethian, and results in a simplification of contours while allowing sharp gradients as long as they are persistent. So it is not a cure for pressure gradient errors a la Hannah. The script shows some artefacts of a time when it wasn’t particularly stable and could run out of memory. In particular, the algorithm dumps out intermediate arrays as it goes along and these have to be visualized or saved using the appropriate subcommands or functions. Stability is no longer an issue. it has been good for quite a while. Not so sure about memory. We’ve not tested a big problem yet on a big DEM on 64bit python.
- class schimpy.contour_smooth.RasterWrapper(filename)
- write_copy(filename, data)
- schimpy.contour_smooth.calc_f(t, data, width_shape)
Right hand side of the semi-discretized operator (in space) so that it can be integrated in time
- schimpy.contour_smooth.contour_smooth(input, scales, max_time, nstep, report_interval, fill_val=2.0, **kwargs)
Driver function for smoothing a DEM
- schimpy.contour_smooth.contour_smooth2d(dem, scales, max_time, nstep, report_interval)
- schimpy.contour_smooth.create_arg_parser()
- schimpy.contour_smooth.main()
- schimpy.contour_smooth.save_smooth(dumpfile, original, outfile, **kwargs)
- schimpy.contour_smooth.view_smooth(file0, file1, levels, vmin, vmax, **kwargs)
View the dumped files to graphically explore smoothing progress
schimpy.convert_linestrings module
Command line tool to convert SCHISM line strings in YAML to Shapefile and vice versa
- schimpy.convert_linestrings.create_arg_parser()
Create an argument parser
- schimpy.convert_linestrings.main()
A main function to convert polygon files
schimpy.convert_mesh module
schimpy.convert_points module
schimpy.convert_polygons module
Command line tool to convert SCHISM polygons in YAML to Shapefile and vice versa
- schimpy.convert_polygons.create_arg_parser()
Create an argument parser
- schimpy.convert_polygons.main()
A main function to convert polygon files
schimpy.convert_sav_class_to_number module
schimpy.create_mesh_n_levels module
schimpy.create_vgrid_lsc2 module module
-, station_data, base_time, outfile)
-, cruise_data, surrounding_profiles, ax, xlabel, ylabel, add_legend=False)
-, cruise_time, survey_file, model_file, station_file, xytfile)
-, cruise_time, survey_file, station_file, xytfile)
-, station_data, ax, context_label=None, add_labels=False, xlabel=None, xmin=None, xmax=None, max_depth=None)
-, cruise_time, obs_file, model_file, station_file, xytfile)
-, station, x, z, times, data)
-, station_data, x, z, times, model_data, base_date)
-, casts, base_time)
schimpy.cut_mesh module
schimpy.download_hrrr module
Created on Fri Jan 20 09:07:50 2023 Download NOAA High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) Model using AWS bucket service
- schimpy.download_hrrr.create_arg_parser()
Create an argument parser return: argparse.ArgumentParser
- schimpy.download_hrrr.download_hrr(start_date, rnday, pscr, bbox)
- schimpy.download_hrrr.main()
Main function
schimpy.embed_raster module
Embed finer gridded data in coarser, using curvature flow smoothing to reconcile
Main function is called embed_fine
- schimpy.embed_raster.create_arg_parser()
- schimpy.embed_raster.embed_raster(input_fg, input_bg, output, nsmooth_init=2, nsmooth_final=1, plot=False, max_time_init=3, max_time_final=1, nstep=50, report_interval=1, **kwargs)
Embed a smoother DEM in a coarser
The two inputs and output are filenames. The basic plans is this: 1. Smooth the fine data enough to resample without aliasing or distortion 2. Interpolate/resample the result to the coarser mesh 3. Where the result of 1-2 has good data, replace coarser data 4. Smooth the final grid lightly to remove kinks/discontinuity
The smoothing is done with contour_smooth2d
schimpy.gaussian_quadrature module
Gaussian quadrature in 2D space
- class schimpy.gaussian_quadrature.GaussianQuadrature(order)
Abstract base class of GaussianQuadrature
(vertices, values)Calculate the average of the value over the domain.
Calculate quadrature points and weights
(vertices)Abstract method to calculate the size of the domain
(vertices[, values])Integrate values over a quad element
(vertices)Determinant of Jacobian at quadrature points
Get the number of quadrature points
(vertices)Create a quadrature matrix for quadrature integration Taking a dot product this quadrature matrix and the values at the quadrature points will result in quadrature
(pts)Abstract shape function
(pts)Abstract shape derivative function
(values)Get quadrature points
- average(vertices, values)
Calculate the average of the value over the domain.
- Parameters:
- vertices: numpy.array
coordinates of vertices (or nodes) The shape needs to be (:, 2) or more columns. The values in the first two columns will be used.
- Returns:
- float
the length of the line
- calculate_quadrature_points_and_weights()
Calculate quadrature points and weights
- Parameters:
- pts: np.ndarray
Coordinates of the nodes
- Returns:
- ptsreal
quadrature points
- domain_size(vertices)
Abstract method to calculate the size of the domain
- integrate(vertices, values=None)
Integrate values over a quad element
- Parameters:
- vertices: numpy.array
coordinates of vertices (or nodes) with values. The shape needs to be (:, 2)
- values: numpy.array, optional
A value vector at vertices If it is not provided, the thrid column will be used as values
- Returns:
- float
result of integration
- jacobian_det(vertices)
Determinant of Jacobian at quadrature points
- Parameters:
- vertices: numpy.array
coordinates of vertices (or nodes) The shape needs to be (:, 2) or more columns. The values in the first two columns will be used.
- Returns:
- numpy.array
array of determinant ant quadrature points
- number_of_quadrature_points()
Get the number of quadrature points
- Returns:
- int
Number of quadrature points
- quadrature_vector(vertices)
Create a quadrature matrix for quadrature integration Taking a dot product this quadrature matrix and the values at the quadrature points will result in quadrature
- Parameters:
- vertices: numpy.array
coordinates of vertices (or nodes) with values. The shape needs to be (:, 2)
- Returns:
- numpy.array
two-dimensional matrix of quadrature matrix
- shape(pts)
Abstract shape function
- Parameters:
- pts: np.ndarray
Coordinates of the nodes
- shape_derivative(pts)
Abstract shape derivative function
- Parameters:
- pts: np.ndarray
Coordinates of the nodes
- values_at_quadrature_points(values)
Get quadrature points
- Parameters:
- values: numpy.array
values at quadrature points
- Returns:
- numpy.array
values of Gaussian quadrature points
- class schimpy.gaussian_quadrature.GaussianQuadratureLine2(order)
Gaussian quadrature on line with two end points in 2-D space
(vertices, values)Integrate values over a quad element
Calculate quadrature points and weights
(vertices)Size of domian, which is the length of the line in this case
(vertices[, values])Integrate values over a quad element
(vertices)Determinant of Jacobian at quadrature points, 1-D version
()Get the number of quadrature points
(vertices)Create a quadrature matrix for quadrature integration Taking a dot product this quadrature matrix and the values at the quadrature points will result in quadrature
(pts)Shape functions Ordering is counter-clockwise direction
(pts)Derivatives of shape functions
(values)Get quadrature points
- average(vertices, values)
Integrate values over a quad element
- Parameters:
- vertices: numpy.array
coordinates of vertices (or nodes) with values. The shape needs to be (-1, 2)
- values: numpy.array
The values at vertices
- Returns:
- averagefloat
result of integration
- calculate_quadrature_points_and_weights()
Calculate quadrature points and weights
- Parameters:
- pts: np.ndarray
Coordinates of the nodes
- Returns:
- ptsreal
quadrature points
- domain_size(vertices)
Size of domian, which is the length of the line in this case
- Parameters:
- vertices: numpy.array
coordinates of vertices (or nodes) The shape needs to be (2, 2) or more columns. The values in the first two columns will be used.
- Returns:
- float
the length of the line
- jacobian_det(vertices)
Determinant of Jacobian at quadrature points, 1-D version
- Parameters:
- vertices: numpy.array
coordinates of vertices (or nodes) The shape needs to be (-1, 2) or more columns. The values in the first two columns will be used.
- Returns:
- numpy.array
array of determinant ant quadrature points
- shape(pts)
Shape functions Ordering is counter-clockwise direction
- Parameters:
- pts: numpy.array
Local coordinates.
- Returns:
- numpy.array
matrix of shape function value at the given points
- shape_derivative(pts)
Derivatives of shape functions
- Parameters:
- pts: numpy.array
Local coordinates. The dimension is (-1, 2)
- Returns:
- numpy.array
matrix of shape function derivative wrt xi value at (*, eta)
- class schimpy.gaussian_quadrature.GaussianQuadratureQuad4(order)
Gaussian Quadrature for a quadrilateral with four nodes
(vertices, values)Calculate the average of the value over the domain.
Calculate quadrature points and weights
(vertices)Size of domain, which is the area of the quadrilateral in this case.
(vertices[, values])Integrate values over a quad element
(vertices[, local_coord])Create a Jacobian matrix or matrixes at the given local coordinates
(vertices)Determinant of Jacobian at quadrature points
()Get the number of quadrature points
(vertices)Create a quadrature matrix for quadrature integration Taking a dot product this quadrature matrix and the values at the quadrature points will result in quadrature
(pts)Shape functions Ordering is counter-clockwise direction
(pts)Derivatives of shape functions
(values)Get quadrature points
- calculate_quadrature_points_and_weights()
Calculate quadrature points and weights
- domain_size(vertices)
Size of domain, which is the area of the quadrilateral in this case. The area is calculated with shoelace equation.
- Parameters:
- vertices: numpy.array
coordinates of vertices (or nodes) The shape needs to be (4, 2) or more columns. The values in the first two columns will be used.
- Returns:
- ret_size: float
the length of the line
- jacobian(vertices, local_coord=None)
Create a Jacobian matrix or matrixes at the given local coordinates
- Parameters:
- vertices: numpy.array
coordinates of vertices (or nodes) The shape needs to be (4, 2) or more columns. The values in the first two columns will be used.
- local_coord: numpy.array
local coordinates where a Jacobian is calculated
- Returns:
- numpy.array
Jacobian matrix
- shape(pts)
Shape functions Ordering is counter-clockwise direction
- Parameters:
- pts: numpy.array
Local coordinates. The dimension is (-1, 2)
- Returns:
- numpy.array
matrix of shape function value at (xi, eta)
- shape_derivative(pts)
Derivatives of shape functions
- Parameters:
- pts: numpy.array
Local coordinates. The dimension is (-1, 2)
- Returns:
- numpy.array
matrix of shape function derivative wrt xi value at (*, eta)
- class schimpy.gaussian_quadrature.GaussianQuadratureTri3(order)
Gaussian Quadrature for triangles with three nodes
(vertices, values)Calculate the average of the value over the domain.
Calculate quadrature points and weights
(vertices)Size of domian, which is the area of the quadrilateral in this case.
(vertices[, values])Integrate values over a quad element
(vertices[, local_coord])Create a Jacobian matrix or matrixes at the given local coordinates
(vertices)Determinant of Jacobian at quadrature points
()Get the number of quadrature points
(vertices)Create a quadrature matrix for quadrature integration Taking a dot product this quadrature matrix and the values at the quadrature points will result in quadrature
(pts)Shape functions Ordering is counter-clockwise direction
(pts)Derivatives of shape functions
(values)Get quadrature points
- calculate_quadrature_points_and_weights()
Calculate quadrature points and weights
- domain_size(vertices)
Size of domian, which is the area of the quadrilateral in this case. The area is calculated with shoelace equation.
- Parameters:
- vertices: numpy.array
coordinates of vertices (or nodes) The shape needs to be (3, 2) or more columns. The values in the first two columns will be used.
- Returns:
- float
the length of the line
- jacobian(vertices, local_coord=None)
Create a Jacobian matrix or matrixes at the given local coordinates
- Parameters:
- vertices: numpy.array
coordinates of vertices (or nodes) The shape needs to be (4, 2) or more columns. The values in the first two columns will be used.
- local_coord: numpy.array
local coordinates where a Jacobian is calculated
- Returns:
- numpy.array
Jacobian matrix
- jacobian_det(vertices)
Determinant of Jacobian at quadrature points
- Parameters:
- vertices: numpy.array
coordinates of vertices (or nodes) but it is not used
- Returns:
- numpy.array
array of determinant ant quadrature points
- shape(pts)
Shape functions Ordering is counter-clockwise direction
- Parameters:
- pts: numpy.array
Local coordinates. Not used
- Returns:
- numpy.array
matrix of shape function value at (xi, eta)
- shape_derivative(pts)
Derivatives of shape functions
- Parameters:
- pts: numpy.array
Local coordinates. Not used
- Returns:
- numpy.array
matrix of shape function derivative wrt xi value at (*, eta)
schimpy.gen_elev2d module
schimpy.geo_tools module
- schimpy.geo_tools.FindMultiPoly(poly_array)
- schimpy.geo_tools.Polylen(poly)
- schimpy.geo_tools.geometry2coords(geo_obj)
- schimpy.geo_tools.geometry2coords_points(geo_obj)
- schimpy.geo_tools.ic_to_gpd(fn, crs=None)
Read ic yaml file and convert the polygons to geopandas format
- schimpy.geo_tools.ll2utm(lonlat, crs=None)
lonlat can be numpy arrays. lonlat = np.asarray([lon,lat]) default crs = epsg:26910
- schimpy.geo_tools.partition_check(mesh, poly_fn, regions, centering='node', crs=None, allow_overlap=False, allow_incomplete=False)
Check if the schism mesh division by the polygon features in poly_fn is unique and complete. The partition check is based on either node or element, and the function checks:
if there are any orphaned nodes, and
if any nodes/elems were assigned to multiple polygons.
- schimpy.geo_tools.project_fun(crs=None)
- schimpy.geo_tools.shapely_to_geopandas(features, crs=None, shp_fn=None)
Convert shapely features to geopandas and generate shapefiles as needed
- schimpy.geo_tools.shp2yaml(shp_fn, yaml_fn=None, crs=None)
Convert a shapefile to yaml file
- Parameters:
- shp_fnstr
Input shape filename
- yaml_fnstr
Output yaml filename
- crsstr, optional
Output projection. The default is None.
- Returns:
- None.
- schimpy.geo_tools.utm2ll(utm_xy, crs=None)
utm_xy can be numpy arrays. utm_xy = np.asarray([utm_x,utm_y]) default crs = epsg:26910
- schimpy.geo_tools.yaml2shp(fn, shp_fn=None, crs=None)
schimpy.gr3 module
schimpy.grid_opt module
schimpy.hotstart_inventory module
- schimpy.hotstart_inventory.create_arg_parser()
- schimpy.hotstart_inventory.hotstart_inventory(run_start=None, dt=None, nday=None, workdir='.', paramfile=None, hot_freq=None)
Create an inventory of existing hotstarts or expected hotstarts
Existing vs expected depends on whether workdir is an outputs or study dir.
- Parameters:
- startConvertible to Datetime
Start date of run. If None inferred from paramfile. Error if
- dtfloat
dt in seconds, for instance perhaps 90s for clinic or 120s for tropic. This is needed to intepret the so-called iteration number in the hotstart labels which are really time step numbers.
- workdirstr
Directory to inventory. If it is an outputs directory, the inventory
- comprise existing hotstarts.
- paramfilestr
Name of param.nml file, expected in workdir or workdir/.. If None, then both start and dt must be supplied. If all three are None, the name “param.nml” will be attempted
- Returns:
- Dataframe, if programatic, listing hotstarts. Should look like “Date, Iteration” pairs. CLI should print it out.
If the listing is done in the run dir, this will be the expected hotstarts. If it is in the outputs dir, it will be an inventory of existing hotstarts.
- schimpy.hotstart_inventory.hotstart_inventory2(start, dt=90)
- schimpy.hotstart_inventory.main()
schimpy.hrr3 module
adapted from pyschism, original work of Linlin Cui.
- class schimpy.hrr3.AWSGrib2Inventory(start_date: datetime | None = None, record=1, pscr=None, product='conus')
- Attributes:
- bucket
- files
- output_interval
- s3
- tmpdir
- property bucket
- property files
- property s3
- property tmpdir
- class schimpy.hrr3.HRRR(start_date=None, rnday=None, pscr=None, record=1, bbox=None)
- gen_sflux(date, record, pscr)
- modified_latlon(grbfile)
- schimpy.hrr3.localize_datetime(d)
- schimpy.hrr3.nearest_cycle(input_datetime=None, period=6, method='floor')
schimpy.interp_2d module inverse-distance-weighted interpolation using KDTree
- class schimpy.interp_2d.Invdisttree(x, nnear=10, leafsize=10)
Inverse-distance-weighted interpolation using KDTree
(obs[, ninterp])Perform interpolation
(node_xy[, eps, p, weights])Find the nearest neighbors and assign weights to each neibors
tree = interp_2d.Invdisttree(obs_xy) # initialize KDTree with observational points tree.weights(node_xy) # calculate weights for each node. values_v = tree.interp(obs.temperature.values) # perform spatial interpolation with the calculated weights from the previous step
- interp(obs, ninterp=6)
Perform interpolation
- Parameters:
- obsnp.ndarray
observational values; nan values are allowed and will be ignored.
- ninterppositive int, ninterp<=nnear
The number of nearest points to perform interpolation The default is 6.
- Returns:
- val_interpnp.ndarray
interpolated values
- weights(node_xy, eps=0, p=2, weights=None)
Find the nearest neighbors and assign weights to each neibors
- Parameters:
- node_xynp.ndarray, shape (n,2)
Coordinates of the query points n is the number of query points
- epspositive float, optional
approximate nearest, dist <= (1 + eps) * true nearest. The default is 0.
- ppositive int, optional
power. The default is 2.
- weightsfloat, optional
optional multiplier for weights, same dimension as node_xy The default is None.
- Returns:
- None.
schimpy.interpolate_structure module
- schimpy.interpolate_structure.create_arg_parser()
- schimpy.interpolate_structure.ensure_offset(arg)
- schimpy.interpolate_structure.interpolate_structure(template_th, output_th, dt=None, int_cols=['install', 'ndup_weir', 'ndup_culvert', 'ndup_pipe'])
Interpolate a dated th “template” for a structure The interpolation adds time detail, maintain data types. Comments are removed and floating precision is hardwired to two digits
The input template file must have a header and time stamps that are neat with respect to dt. This is checked.
- Parameters:
- template_thstr
Path to the template file
- output_thstr
Name of the output file
- dtinterval_type
Number of hours between changes, default is 1 hour. Can be any time (string, delta, offset) that can be coerced to offset
- int_colslist
List of column names that should be integers. This can be a superset, and it shouldn’t change much if you name your template columns the standard way.
- schimpy.interpolate_structure.main()
- schimpy.interpolate_structure.test_date_label_correct(fname_th)
Make sure that the date column in the file doens’t have comment marker and raise error if it does
- schimpy.interpolate_structure.test_template_times(template, dt)
schimpy.laplace_smooth_data module
- schimpy.laplace_smooth_data.laplace_smooth_data(mesh, data, rate=0.05, iter_total=150)
- schimpy.laplace_smooth_data.laplace_smooth_data2(mesh, data, kappa=0.05, dt=1.0, iter_total=150)
- schimpy.laplace_smooth_data.laplace_smooth_with_vel(mesh, data, vel, kappa=0.05, dt=1.0, iter_total=1)
- schimpy.laplace_smooth_data.laplace_smooth_with_vel2(mesh, data, vel, kappa=0.05, dt=1.0, iter_total=1)
- schimpy.laplace_smooth_data.laplace_smooth_with_vel3(mesh, nlayer, data, vel, kappa=0.05, dt=1.0, iter_total=1)
schimpy.lsc2 module
Methods for generating local sigma coordinates These routines are meant to be called a pair. First, default_num_layers is called to obtain the recommended number of layers for each node based on depth. Then, gen_sigma is called to generate the actual local sigma values at each level (nlevels = nlayers+1).
Note that in this script eta is the “reference” free surface at which the mesh is conditioned, which can be a global scalar or array of local nodal values. Using a medium-higher value (2-4 depending on typical flood levels) usually does’t hurt the final product in low water. The example() shows how to visualize a mesh generated on one ref water surface on another surface.
The major user parameters are already set at their defaults. It is mildly important to realize that the S coordinate parameters have the same qualitative interpretation, but that the S system is really just used as a heuristic and everything is manipulated locally.
Besides theta (refinement to the surface) the mostly likely item to manipulate will be minlayer and maxlayer. These can be supplied locally (if these are given as arrays) or globally (if provided as scalars).
- class schimpy.lsc2.BilinearMeshDensity
- density(z, h, x)
- depth(t, h, x)
- class schimpy.lsc2.CubicLSC2MeshFunction
- density(x, tlev)
- depth(x, tlev)
- schimpy.lsc2.default_num_layers(x, eta, h0, minlayer, maxlayer, dz_target, meshfun, maxlev=100)
Returns the number of layers that, according to meshfun, gives a depth matching eta + h0 In the (likely) case of inexact fit) the lower bound n- of the number of layers not yet outfitted for variation in x
- schimpy.lsc2.default_num_layers0(total_ref_depth, minlayer, maxlayer)
- schimpy.lsc2.example()
- schimpy.lsc2.example2()
- schimpy.lsc2.example3()
- schimpy.lsc2.flip_sigma(sigma)
Flip the ordering of non-nan sigma values.
The output of get_sigma starts from 0.0, but sigma in from -0.1. So it needs to be flipped for further use.
- Parameters:
- sigma: numpy.ndarray
- Returns:
- numpy.ndarray
New sigma array that has flipped ordering.
- schimpy.lsc2.gen_sigma(nlayer, minlayer, maxlayer, eta, h, mesh, meshfun, nsmoothlay=0)
“ Generate local sigma coordinates based on # layers, reference surface and depth
- Parameters:
- nlayer: ndarray
Veector of size np (number of nodes) giving desired # layers for each node in the mesh
- eta: ndarray or float
reference water level heights at each node at which generation is to occur.
- h: ndarray
unperturbed depth for each node in the mesh
- meshfloat
maximum theta to use in S calculations. This is interpreted the same as a standard S grid theta although it will be varied according to depth
- meshfun: float
S coordinate parameter b
- nsmoothlay: how many layers to smooth on the bottom
- hc: float
S coordinate parameter hc (do not alter)
- schimpy.lsc2.label_components(mesh, nlayer, thresh, exclude)
- schimpy.lsc2.lowest_layer_height(htrans, nlevel, klev=0)
- schimpy.lsc2.mesh_function_depths(nlayer, depth, mesh, meshfun)
- schimpy.lsc2.plot_mesh(ax, x, zcor, startvis, stopvis, c='black', linewidth=1)
- schimpy.lsc2.process_orphans(mesh, nlayer, depth, hcor)
- schimpy.lsc2.process_orphans2(mesh, nlayer, depth, hcor)
- schimpy.lsc2.sigma_z(sigma, eta, h)
- schimpy.lsc2.smooth_bed(mesh, eta, h, hcor, nlevel, speed)
- schimpy.lsc2.szcoord(s, h, eta, theta, b, hc)
- schimpy.lsc2.z_sigma(zcor)
schimpy.material_poly module
- schimpy.material_poly.create_arg_parser()
- schimpy.material_poly.create_poly(shapefile, dsetname, keyfile, polyfile, type, default=None)
Converts a polygon shapefile to the yaml input of the preprocessor
- schimpy.material_poly.read_keyfile(keyfile)
Reads a file pairing labels and values
schimpy.merge_th module
- schimpy.merge_th.create_arg_parser()
- schimpy.merge_th.main()
- schimpy.merge_th.merge_th(th_spec)
- schimpy.merge_th.read_data(fname, variable)
- schimpy.merge_th.read_locations_from_input(fname, role)
- schimpy.merge_th.read_th_spec(fname)
- schimpy.merge_th.write_th(df, fname, elapsed, ref_time=None)
schimpy.metricsplot module
Metrics plot
- schimpy.metricsplot.plot_comparison(*args, style_palette, **kwargs)
Create a simple comparison plot without metrics calculation
- Parameters:
- *args: variable number of TimeSeries
- Returns:
- matplotlib.pyplot.figure.Figure
- schimpy.metricsplot.plot_metrics(obs, tssim, style_palette, **kwargs)
Create a metrics plot
- Parameters:
- *args: variable number of TimeSeries
- Returns:
- matplotlib.pyplot.figure.Figure
schimpy.model_time module
Script to make model date conversion convenient, converting elapsed model seconds to or from dates
- schimpy.model_time.clip(args)
Clip file to dates
- schimpy.model_time.create_arg_parser()
- schimpy.model_time.describe_elapsed(times, start, dt=None)
- schimpy.model_time.describe_timestamps(timestamps, start, dt=None)
- schimpy.model_time.file_to_elapsed(infile, start, outpath=None, annotate=False, skip_nan=False)
- schimpy.model_time.file_to_timestamp(infile, start, outpath=None, annotate=False, elapsed_unit='s', time_format='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M ')
- schimpy.model_time.main()
- schimpy.model_time.multi_file_to_elapsed(input_files, output, start, name_transform='prune_dated')
- schimpy.model_time.prune_dated(name)
- schimpy.model_time.to_datetime(args)
Convert elapsed inputs to dated
- schimpy.model_time.to_elapsed(args)
Convert dated inputs to elapsed times
schimpy.nml module
- class schimpy.nml.Namelist(d)
The Namelist class simply creates an attribute for each key-value pair in the dictionary.
- class schimpy.nml.TopLevelNamelist(d)
TopLevelNamelist is a class for the top-level elements of the dictionary, and Namelist is a class for all other nested elements. The TopLevelNamelist class creates attributes for each key-value pair in the dictionary and, if the value is itself a dictionary, creates a new Namelist object with the nested dictionary.
- schimpy.nml.map_to_dict(obj)
This function takes an object of type TopLevelNamelist as input and returns a dictionary representation of the object. The function uses the vars built-in function to get a dictionary of attributes and values for the object, and then iterates over the key-value pairs in the dictionary. If the value is an instance of the Namelist class, it recursively maps the Namelist object to a dictionary using the map_to_dict function. If the value is not an instance of the Namelist class, it simply adds the key-value pair to the dictionary. This way, you can easily map an object of type TopLevelNamelist back to a dictionary representation, preserving the structure of the original dictionary.
- schimpy.nml.map_to_object(d)
In this example, TopLevelNamelist is a class for the top-level elements of the dictionary, and Namelist is a class for all other nested elements. The TopLevelNamelist class creates attributes for each key-value pair in the dictionary and, if the value is itself a dictionary, creates a new Namelist object with the nested dictionary. The Namelist class simply creates an attribute for each key-value pair in the dictionary.
The map_to_object function takes a dictionary d as input and returns a new TopLevelNamelist object with the values from d.
This way, you can easily map the dictionary returned by parse_namelist to objects, with different classes for the top-level and nested elements, and access the values in the dictionary as attributes of the objects.
- schimpy.nml.parse(file_content)
Here’s a simple implementation of a parser for the Fortran namelist format If there’s a line starting with !, the parser will store it as the full_line_comment and attach it to the next key-value pair it encounters. If there’s an inline comment starting with !, it will be stored as inline_comment.
For the most part this parser is comment preserving; you might notice some whitespace and blank line(s) being eliminated in the round trip through write method below
- schimpy.nml.write(namelist_data)
writes out the namelist dictionary from the parse method to a string. The comments are preserved but not the whitespace or indentations
schimpy.nudging module
schimpy.param module
- class schimpy.param.Params(fname, default=None)
- Attributes:
- hotstart_freq
- nc_out_freq
- nc_stack
Get start time as datetime
- station_out_freq
Adjust dt without perturbing variables that depend on it
()Return a copy of this Params set
(other[, defaults])Compare to another instance of Params
Get start time as datetime
(default)Process default parameters
(key[, section])Search for key in all the sections
(freq)Set hotstart frequency using Pandas offset or string that evaluates as offset
(name, freq)Set binary output frequency using Pandas offset or string that evaluates as offset
(freq)Set binary output frequency using Pandas offset or string that evaluates as offset
(freq)Set binary output frequency using Pandas offset or string that evaluates as offset
(run_start)Set start time
(freq)Set station output frequency
(other[, defaults])Update from another instance of Params in-place
()Validation tests
- adjust_dt()
Adjust dt without perturbing variables that depend on it
- copy()
Return a copy of this Params set
- diff(other, defaults=False)
Compare to another instance of Params
- Parameters:
- other: str | Params
Can be a string that evaluates to param filename, a Param object
- defaultsbool
Search includes defaults
- Returns:
- diffpd.DataFrame
Data with multi index for section and parameter, including only parameters that are different, including possibly one being absent from one Param set
- get_hotstart_freq()
- get_interval(name)
- get_nc_out_freq()
- get_nc_stack()
- get_run_start()
Get start time as datetime
- get_station_out_freq()
- property hotstart_freq
- property nc_out_freq
- property nc_stack
- process_default(default)
Process default parameters
- Parameters:
- defaultstr or Param instance or ‘repo’
If default is ‘repo’, default is the GitHub repo version. If it is a filename, that name is evaluated. If it is a templated version, that version is read. (config part of this not done yet)
- property run_start
Get start time as datetime
- searchfor(key, section=False)
Search for key in all the sections
- Parameters:
- keystr
Key to search for
section = bool If boolean, returns a tuple of section, value
default = str Name of default to use for backup
- Returns
Value cached under key
- Raises
IndexError if key not present
- sections(defaults=False)
- set_hotstart_freq(freq)
Set hotstart frequency using Pandas offset or string that evaluates as offset
- Parameters:
- freq
- If None, frequency will be set using default (or 1 Hour) and station output disabled
- set_interval(name, freq)
Set binary output frequency using Pandas offset or string that evaluates as offset
- set_nc_out_freq(freq)
Set binary output frequency using Pandas offset or string that evaluates as offset
- set_nc_stack(freq)
Set binary output frequency using Pandas offset or string that evaluates as offset
- set_run_start(run_start)
Set start time
- Parameters:
- startdatetime
- Coercible to datetime
- set_station_out_freq(freq)
Set station output frequency
- Parameters:
- freqoffset or string
Sets output interval for staout files and ensures that output is enabled. If None, frequency will be set using default (or 1 Hour) and station output disabled
- property station_out_freq
- to_dataframe(defaults=None)
- update(other, defaults=False)
Update from another instance of Params in-place
- Parameters:
- other: str | Params
Can be a string that evaluates to param filename, a Param object
- defaultsbool
Search includes defaults
- validate()
Validation tests
- write(fname)
- schimpy.param.param_from_template(name)
Returns param based on named template files
- schimpy.param.read_params(fname, default=None)
- schimpy.param.test_param()
schimpy.params module
- class schimpy.params.Core(*, dt, eco_class, ibc, ibtp, ihfskip, ipre, mdc2, msc2, nspool, ntracer_age, ntracer_gen, rnday, sed_class, name)
- dt = 0.0
- eco_class = 0
- ibc = 0
- ibtp = 0
- ihfskip = 0
- ipre = 0
- mdc2 = 0
- msc2 = 0
- name = 'Core'
- nspool = 0
- ntracer_age = 0
- ntracer_gen = 0
- rnday = 0.0
- sed_class = 0
- class schimpy.params.HydroOutput(*, air_pressure, air_temperature, barotropic_pres_grad_xy, bottom_stress_xy, depth_avg_vel_xy, diffusivity, downward_longwave, dry_flag_node, elevation, evaporation_rate, horizontal_side_vel_xy, horizontal_vel_xy, latent_heat, mixing_length, precipitation_rate, salinity, salinity_at_element, sensible_heat, solar_radiation, specific_humidity, temperature, temperature_at_element, total_heat, turbulent_kinetic_ener, upward_longwave, vertical_vel_at_element, vertical_velocity, viscosity, water_density, wind_speed_xy, wind_stress_xy, z_coordinates, name)
Class to specify which variables to output from the SCHISM model
- air_pressure = False
- air_temperature = False
- barotropic_pres_grad_xy = False
- bottom_stress_xy = False
- depth_avg_vel_xy = False
- diffusivity = False
- downward_longwave = False
- dry_flag_node = True
- elevation = False
- evaporation_rate = False
- horizontal_side_vel_xy = False
- horizontal_vel_xy = False
- latent_heat = False
- mixing_length = False
- name = 'HydroOutput'
- precipitation_rate = False
- salinity = False
- salinity_at_element = False
- sensible_heat = False
- solar_radiation = False
- specific_humidity = False
- temperature = False
- temperature_at_element = False
- total_heat = False
- turbulent_kinetic_ener = False
- upward_longwave = False
- vertical_vel_at_element = False
- vertical_velocity = False
- viscosity = False
- water_density = False
- wind_speed_xy = False
- wind_stress_xy = False
- z_coordinates = False
- class schimpy.params.Opt(*, alphaw, btrack_nudge, coricoef, courant_weno, cur_wwm, dfh0, dfv0, dramp, dramp_ss, drampbc, drampwafo, drampwind, dtb_max, dtb_min, dzb_min, eos_a, eos_b, eps1_tvd_imp, eps2_tvd_imp, epsilon1, epsilon2, epsilon3, flag_fib, flag_ic, fwvor_advxy_stokes, fwvor_advz_stokes, fwvor_breaking, fwvor_gradpress, fwvor_streaming, fwvor_wveg, fwvor_wveg_NL, gen_wsett, h0, h1_bcc, h1_pp, h2_bcc, h2_pp, h_bcc1, h_massconsv, h_tvd, hmin_airsea_ex, hmin_man, hmin_radstress, hmin_salt_ex, hvis_coef0, hw_depth, hw_ratio, i_hmin_airsea_ex, i_hmin_salt_ex, i_prtnftl_weno, iadjust_mass_consv0, ibcc_mean, ibdef, ibtrack_test, ic_elev, icou_elfe_wwm, ics, ielad_weno, ielm_transport, ieos_pres, ieos_type, if_source, iflux, iflux_out_format, iharind, ihconsv, ihdif, ihhat, ihorcon, ihot, ihydraulics, iloadtide, imm, indvel, inter_mom, inu_elev, inu_tr, inu_uv, inunfl, inv_atm_bnd, ip_weno, ipre2, iprecip_off_bnd, irouse_test, isav, isconsv, ishapiro, itr_met, itransport_only, itur, iunder_deep, iupwind_mom, iwbl, iwind_form, iwindoff, izonal5, kr_co, lev_tr_source, level_age, loadtide_coef, max_subcyc, meth_sink, mid, moitn0, mxitn0, nadv, nchi, ncor, niter_shap, nquad, nramp_elev, nstep_ice, nstep_wwm, ntd_weno, nu_sum_mult, nws, prmsl_ref, rearth_eq, rearth_pole, rho0, rinflation_icm, rlatitude, rmaxvel, rtol0, s1_mxnbt, s2_mxnbt, sfea0, shapiro0, shorewafo, shw, slam0, slr_rate, small_elad, stab, start_day, start_hour, start_month, start_year, step_nu_tr, tdmin_pp1, tdmin_pp2, thetai, turbinj, turbinjds, utc_start, vclose_surf_frac, vdmax_pp1, vdmax_pp2, vdmin_pp1, vdmin_pp2, velmin_btrack, vnf1, vnf2, vnh1, vnh2, wafo_obcramp, wtiminc, xlsc0, name)
- alphaw = 0.0
- btrack_nudge = 0.009013
- coricoef = 1.0
- courant_weno = 0.8
- cur_wwm = False
- dfh0 = 0.0
- dfv0 = 1.0
- dramp = 1.0
- dramp_ss = 60.0
- drampbc = 1.0
- drampwafo = 0.0
- drampwind = 86400.0
- dtb_max = 100.0
- dtb_min = 1.0
- dzb_min = 1e-05
- eos_a = -0.1
- eos_b = 1001.0
- eps1_tvd_imp = 0.001
- eps2_tvd_imp = 0.0001
- epsilon1 = 1e-05
- epsilon2 = 0.001
- epsilon3 = 0.0001
- flag_fib = 0
- flag_ic = 0
- fwvor_advxy_stokes = False
- fwvor_advz_stokes = False
- fwvor_breaking = False
- fwvor_gradpress = False
- fwvor_streaming = False
- fwvor_wveg = False
- fwvor_wveg_NL = False
- gen_wsett = True
- h0 = 1.0
- h1_bcc = 1.0
- h1_pp = 0.2
- h2_bcc = 0.5
- h2_pp = 1.0
- h_bcc1 = 1.5
- h_massconsv = 0.001
- h_tvd = 2.0
- hmin_airsea_ex = 0.01
- hmin_man = 0.05
- hmin_radstress = 0.1
- hmin_salt_ex = 0.01
- hvis_coef0 = 0.1
- hw_depth = 15.0
- hw_ratio = 1.2
- i_hmin_airsea_ex = 1
- i_hmin_salt_ex = 1
- i_prtnftl_weno = 1
- iadjust_mass_consv0 = 1
- ibcc_mean = 0
- ibdef = 10
- ibtrack_test = 1
- ic_elev = 0.0
- icou_elfe_wwm = 0
- ics = 0
- ielad_weno = 0
- ielm_transport = 0
- ieos_pres = 0.0
- ieos_type = 0
- if_source = 2
- iflux = 2
- iflux_out_format = 0
- iharind = 1
- ihconsv = 0
- ihdif = 0
- ihhat = 0
- ihorcon = 0
- ihot = 0
- ihydraulics = 0
- iloadtide = 0
- imm = 0
- indvel = 0
- inter_mom = 1
- inu_elev = 1
- inu_tr = 0
- inu_uv = 1
- inunfl = True
- inv_atm_bnd = False
- ip_weno = 0
- ipre2 = 0
- iprecip_off_bnd = 1
- irouse_test = 0
- isav = 0
- isconsv = 0
- ishapiro = 0
- itr_met = 3
- itransport_only = 0
- itur = 0
- iunder_deep = 0
- iupwind_mom = 0
- iwbl = 0
- iwind_form = 1
- iwindoff = 0
- izonal5 = 0
- kr_co = 0.5
- lev_tr_source = 1
- level_age = [-999.0]
- loadtide_coef = 1.0
- max_subcyc = 10
- meth_sink = 2
- mid = 'KL'
- moitn0 = 0.1
- mxitn0 = 5
- nadv = 3
- name = 'Opt'
- nchi = 50
- ncor = 1
- niter_shap = 0
- nquad = 5
- nramp_elev = 0.0
- nstep_ice = 0
- nstep_wwm = 1
- ntd_weno = 1
- nu_sum_mult = 1.0
- nws = 0
- prmsl_ref = 1013.25
- rearth_eq = 6378.137
- rearth_pole = 6356.75
- rho0 = 1000.0
- rinflation_icm = 2.0
- rlatitude = 47.5
- rmaxvel = 2.0
- rtol0 = 1e-06
- s1_mxnbt = 0.0
- s2_mxnbt = 0.0
- sfea0 = 45
- shapiro0 = 0.8
- shorewafo = 0.0
- shw = 0.025
- slam0 = -124
- slr_rate = 0.0
- small_elad = 1e-06
- stab = 'GA'
- start_day = 1
- start_hour = 0
- start_month = 1
- start_year = 2000
- step_nu_tr = 0.001
- tdmin_pp1 = 0.01
- tdmin_pp2 = 0.001
- thetai = 0.7
- turbinj = False
- turbinjds = 0.0
- utc_start = 8
- vclose_surf_frac = 0.0
- vdmax_pp1 = 0.02
- vdmax_pp2 = 0.01
- vdmin_pp1 = 1e-05
- vdmin_pp2 = 1e-05
- velmin_btrack = 0.0001
- vnf1 = 1
- vnf2 = 1
- vnh1 = 1
- vnh2 = 0
- wafo_obcramp = 1
- wtiminc = 3600.0
- xlsc0 = 1.0
- class schimpy.params.OutControls(*, name)
Parameters controlling output
- from_iof_array(iof_array)
- get_iof_array_names()
- name = 'OutControls'
- to_iof_array()
- class schimpy.params.Params(core, opt, schout)
(value, /)Return number of occurrences of value.
(value[, start, stop])Return first index of value.
- core
Alias for field number 0
- opt
Alias for field number 1
- schout
Alias for field number 2
- class schimpy.params.Schout(*, iof_age, iof_ana, iof_cos, iof_dvd, iof_eco, iof_fib, iof_ice, iof_icm_ba, iof_icm_cbp, iof_icm_core, iof_icm_dbg, iof_icm_ph, iof_icm_sav, iof_icm_sed, iof_icm_silica, iof_icm_veg, iof_icm_zb, iof_marsh, iof_sed, iof_sed2d, iof_ugrid, iout_sta, nc_out, nhot, nhot_write, nspool_sta, name)
- iof_age = False
- iof_ana = False
- iof_cos = False
- iof_dvd = False
- iof_eco = False
- iof_fib = False
- iof_gen = TracerGenOutput(name='TracerGenOutput00004', ntracer_gen=0)
- iof_hydro = HydroOutput(air_pressure=False, air_temperature=False, barotropic_pres_grad_xy=False, bottom_stress_xy=False, depth_avg_vel_xy=False, diffusivity=False, downward_longwave=False, dry_flag_node=True, elevation=False, evaporation_rate=False, horizontal_side_vel_xy=False, horizontal_vel_xy=False, latent_heat=False, mixing_length=False, name='HydroOutput00002', precipitation_rate=False, salinity=False, salinity_at_element=False, sensible_heat=False, solar_radiation=False, specific_humidity=False, temperature=False, temperature_at_element=False, total_heat=False, turbulent_kinetic_ener=False, upward_longwave=False, vertical_vel_at_element=False, vertical_velocity=False, viscosity=False, water_density=False, wind_speed_xy=False, wind_stress_xy=False, z_coordinates=False)
- iof_ice = False
- iof_icm_ba = False
- iof_icm_cbp = False
- iof_icm_core = False
- iof_icm_dbg = False
- iof_icm_ph = False
- iof_icm_sav = False
- iof_icm_sed = False
- iof_icm_silica = False
- iof_icm_veg = False
- iof_icm_zb = False
- iof_marsh = False
- iof_sed = False
- iof_sed2d = False
- iof_ugrid = False
- iof_wwm = WindWaveOutput(bottom_excursion_period=True, bottom_wave_period=True, charnock_coeff=True, continuous_peak_period=True, discrete_peak_direction=True, diss_rate_bott_friction=True, diss_rate_dep_breaking=True, diss_rate_vegetation=True, diss_rate_whitecapping=True, dominant_direction=True, energy_input_atmos=True, frictional_velocity=True, mean_dir_spreading=True, mean_wave_direction=True, mean_wave_length=True, mean_wave_number=True, mean_wave_period=True, name='WindWaveOutput00003', orbital_velocity=True, peak_group_vel=True, peak_n_factor=True, peak_period=True, peak_phase_vel=True, peak_spreading=True, peak_wave_length=True, peak_wave_number=True, rms_orbital_velocity=True, roller_diss_rate=True, roughness_length=True, sig_wave_height=True, tm_10=True, u_resell_number=True, wave_energy_dir_x=True, wave_energy_dir_y=True, zero_downcross_period=True)
- iout_sta = 0
- name = 'Schout'
- nc_out = True
- nhot = 0
- nhot_write = 0
- nspool_sta = 0
- class schimpy.params.TracerGenOutput(*, ntracer_gen, name)
- get_tracer_names()
- name = 'TracerGenOutput'
- ntracer_gen = 0
- class schimpy.params.WindWaveOutput(*, bottom_excursion_period, bottom_wave_period, charnock_coeff, continuous_peak_period, discrete_peak_direction, diss_rate_bott_friction, diss_rate_dep_breaking, diss_rate_vegetation, diss_rate_whitecapping, dominant_direction, energy_input_atmos, frictional_velocity, mean_dir_spreading, mean_wave_direction, mean_wave_length, mean_wave_number, mean_wave_period, orbital_velocity, peak_group_vel, peak_n_factor, peak_period, peak_phase_vel, peak_spreading, peak_wave_length, peak_wave_number, rms_orbital_velocity, roller_diss_rate, roughness_length, sig_wave_height, tm_10, u_resell_number, wave_energy_dir_x, wave_energy_dir_y, zero_downcross_period, name)
A collection of parameters that define the wind wave outputs.
- bottom_excursion_period = True
- bottom_wave_period = True
- charnock_coeff = True
- continuous_peak_period = True
- discrete_peak_direction = True
- diss_rate_bott_friction = True
- diss_rate_dep_breaking = True
- diss_rate_vegetation = True
- diss_rate_whitecapping = True
- dominant_direction = True
- energy_input_atmos = True
- frictional_velocity = True
- mean_dir_spreading = True
- mean_wave_direction = True
- mean_wave_length = True
- mean_wave_number = True
- mean_wave_period = True
- name = 'WindWaveOutput'
- orbital_velocity = True
- peak_group_vel = True
- peak_n_factor = True
- peak_period = True
- peak_phase_vel = True
- peak_spreading = True
- peak_wave_length = True
- peak_wave_number = True
- rms_orbital_velocity = True
- roller_diss_rate = True
- roughness_length = True
- sig_wave_height = True
- tm_10 = True
- u_resell_number = True
- wave_energy_dir_x = True
- wave_energy_dir_y = True
- zero_downcross_period = True
- schimpy.params.build_iof_dict(iof_name, vdict, cls)
Builds dictionary of names from the class cls and the values that have the form iof_name(n) = 0 or 1 where n is an integer and the values are 0 or 1 which map onto False (0) or True (1)
- schimpy.params.coerce_to_type(schema, value)
- schimpy.params.create_params(namelists)
- schimpy.params.get_type_dict(cls)
- schimpy.params.get_value_dict(map, cls)
Create a dict from namelist from name: value elements and coerce to the type in the schema
schimpy.plot_default_formats module
Convenient routines to set up and to tweak matplotlib plots.
- schimpy.plot_default_formats.set_color_cycle_dark2()
Set color cycles of Dark2 theme of globally. Just calling this function once before finalize a plot is enough to change the color cycles.
- Returns:
- brewer_colors: list
list of the colors
- schimpy.plot_default_formats.set_dual_axes(ax, ts, cell_method='inst')
Create a dual y-axis with unit information in the given time series. It converts SI units to non-SI one.
- Parameters:
- ax: matplotlib.axes
axes of a plot to manage
- ts:
timeseries with unit information
- schimpy.plot_default_formats.set_dual_axes_elev(ax1, filtered=False)
Set dual axes for elevation.
- Parameters:
- ax: matplotlib axes
- schimpy.plot_default_formats.set_dual_axes_salt(ax1, filtered=False)
Set a dual y-axis for salt with a PSU y-axis
- Parameters:
- ax: axis
a Matplotlib axes
schimpy.prepare_schism module
schimpy.priority_queue module
- class schimpy.priority_queue.priorityDictionary
(iterable[, value])Create a new dictionary with keys from iterable and values set to value.
(key[, default])Return the value for key if key is in the dictionary, else default.
(key[, default])If key is not found, default is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised
(/)Remove and return a (key, value) pair as a 2-tuple.
(key, val)Reimplement setdefault to call our customized __setitem__.
()Find smallest item after removing deleted items from heap.
([E, ]**F)If E is present and has a .keys() method, then does: for k in E: D[k] = E[k] If E is present and lacks a .keys() method, then does: for k, v in E: D[k] = v In either case, this is followed by: for k in F: D[k] = F[k]
()- setdefault(key, val)
Reimplement setdefault to call our customized __setitem__.
- smallest()
Find smallest item after removing deleted items from heap.
schimpy.profile_plot module
- schimpy.profile_plot.get_index_bounds()
- schimpy.profile_plot.nearest_neighbor_fill(arr)
- schimpy.profile_plot.profile_plot(x, z, data, ax, context_label=None, add_labels=False, xlabel=None, xmin=None, xmax=None, max_depth=None)
UnTRIM-like profile plot of salinity xmin,xmax are the bounds (in km) of the profile max_depth is the maximum depth, data assumed to be
- schimpy.profile_plot.set_index_bounds(min_station, max_station, max_depth)
- schimpy.profile_plot.vertical_fill(arr)
schimpy.raster_to_nodes module
Functions to process raster data for schimpy pre-processing.
This add rasterstats, boto3 dependency to calculate raster stastistics such as means.
- schimpy.raster_to_nodes.raster_to_nodes(mesh, nodes_sel, path_raster, bins=None, mapped_values=None, mask_value=None, fill_value=None, band=1)
Applies raster values to mesh by calculating means over surrounding elementss.
When an element contains no raster data, zero will be assigned. When an element is partly covered by the raster data, an masked average is calculated.
If the bins are provided, the raster data will be binned and bins mapped to the mapped_values before the averaging begins. The binning uses numpy.digitize to classification, and in particular the i’th mapped value is used between the values of bins (i-1) and (i). There are some extra padding values provided as shown in the example
If the mask_value is given, raster data with the given mask value will be replaced with the fill_value before binning the data. This masking will only be used when bins are provided and pertains to special cases involving vegetation data.
- Parameters:
- mesh: schimpy.SchismMesh
The base mesh to work on
- nodes_sel: array-like
The array or list of the nodes to process
- path_raster: string-like
File fath to the raster data
- bins: array-like, optional
Array of bins. It has to be 1-dimensional and monotonic
- mapped_values: array-like, optional
The values of the classes. It should be bigger by one than the bins. The i’th value will be applied between the (i-1) and i value of bins.
- band: int, optional
The band index to use from the raster data. The default value is 1.
- Returns:
- numpy.array
means of raster values of the element balls around the nodes
An example of this function in the pre-processor yaml is below:
gr3: sav_N.gr3: default: 0. polygons: - attribute: raster_to_nodes.raster_to_nodes(mesh, nodes_sel, 'NDVI.tif', bins=[-998., 0.0001, 0.3, 0.6, 1.0], mapped_values=[-999., 0., 40., 70., 100., -999.], maske_value=-10., fill_value=0.1) imports: schimpy.raster_to_nodes type: none vertices: #...
The values mesh and node_sel mean the SCHISM mesh and the selected node indices by a polygon. The example bins (or classifies) the raster values from 0.0001 to 0.3 and assigns the value 0., then assigns 40. for values between 0.3 and 0.6 and so forth.
schimpy.read_output_xyt module
Read outputs from read_output*_xyt and create a neat list of Vtools time series. This module depends on deprecated vtools code and is scheduled for removal
- schimpy.read_output_xyt.read_depth_avg_from_output7b_xyt(fpath, time_basis)
Read output file from read_output7b_xyt and return depth and depth-averaged values in
- Parameters:
- fpath: str
master input file name of read_output7b_xyt
- time_basis: datetime.datetime
time base of the outputs
- Returns:
- lists of a set of depth and depth-averaged values
For scalars, the list has only one set of time series. For vectors, the list has two sets of time series. Each time series has multiple columns of data, and each column is for stations.
schimpy.schism_hotstart module
schimpy.schism_input module
schimpy.schism_linestring module
Line String data based on Shapely LineStrings
- class schimpy.schism_linestring.LineString(coordinates=None, prop=None)
- Attributes:
Unitless area of the geometry (float)
Returns a lower dimension geometry that bounds the object
Returns minimum bounding region (minx, miny, maxx, maxy)
Returns the geometric center of the object
Imagine an elastic band stretched around the geometry: that’s a
Access to geometry’s coordinates (CoordinateSequence)
A figure that envelopes the geometry
Name of the geometry’s type, such as ‘Point’
True if the geometry’s coordinate sequence(s) have z values (are
True if the geometry is closed, else False
True if the set of points in this geometry is empty, else False
True if the geometry is a closed ring, else False
True if the geometry is simple, meaning that any self-intersections
True if the geometry is valid (definition depends on sub-class),
Unitless length of the geometry (float)
Unitless distance by which a node could be moved to produce an invalid geometry (float)
Returns the oriented envelope (minimum rotated rectangle) that encloses the geometry.
Returns the oriented envelope (minimum rotated rectangle) that encloses the geometry.
- prop
- type
WKB representation of the geometry
WKB hex representation of the geometry
WKT representation of the geometry
Separate arrays of X and Y coordinate values
(other[, decimal])True if geometries are equal at all coordinates to a specified decimal place.
(distance[, quad_segs, cap_style, ...])Get a geometry that represents all points within a distance of this geometry.
(other)Returns True if the geometry contains the other, else False
(other)Returns True if the geometry completely contains the other, with no common boundary points, else False
(other)Returns True if the geometry is covered by the other, else False
(other)Returns True if the geometry covers the other, else False
(other)Returns True if the geometries cross, else False
(other[, grid_size])Returns the difference of the geometries.
(other)Returns True if geometries are disjoint, else False
(other)Unitless distance to other geometry (float)
(other, distance)Returns True if geometry is within a given distance from the other, else False.
(other)Returns True if geometries are equal, else False.
(other, tolerance)True if geometries are equal to within a specified tolerance.
(other)Unitless hausdorff distance to other geometry (float)
(distance[, normalized])Return a point at the specified distance along a linear geometry
(other[, grid_size])Returns the intersection of the geometries.
(other)Returns True if geometries intersect, else False
(distance[, normalized])Return a point at the specified distance along a linear geometry
(other[, normalized])Returns the distance along this geometry to a point nearest the specified point
()Converts geometry to normal form (or canonical form).
(distance[, quad_segs, ...])Returns a LineString or MultiLineString geometry at a distance from the object on its right or its left side.
(other)Returns True if geometries overlap, else False
(distance[, side, ...])Alternative method to
()Returns a point guaranteed to be within the object, cheaply.
(other[, normalized])Returns the distance along this geometry to a point nearest the specified point
(other)Returns the DE-9IM intersection matrix for the two geometries (string)
(other, pattern)Returns True if the DE-9IM string code for the relationship between the geometries satisfies the pattern, else False
()Returns a point guaranteed to be within the object, cheaply.
()Returns a copy of this geometry with the order of coordinates reversed.
(max_segment_length)Adds vertices to line segments based on maximum segment length.
(tolerance[, preserve_topology])Returns a simplified geometry produced by the Douglas-Peucker algorithm
([scale_factor, stroke_color, opacity])Returns SVG polyline element for the LineString geometry.
(other[, grid_size])Returns the symmetric difference of the geometries.
(other)Returns True if geometries touch, else False
(other[, grid_size])Returns the union of the geometries.
(other)Returns True if geometry is within the other, else False
- property prop
- class schimpy.schism_linestring.LineStringIo
- read(**kwargs)
- write(**kwargs)
- class schimpy.schism_linestring.LineStringIoFactory
- get_reader(name)
- get_writer(name)
- registered_readers = {'shp': 'LineStringShapefileReader', 'yaml': 'LineStringYamlReader'}
- registered_writers = {'shp': 'LineStringShapefileWriter', 'yaml': 'LineStringYamlWriter'}
- class schimpy.schism_linestring.LineStringShapefileReader
(fpath, **kwargs)write
- read(fpath, **kwargs)
- Parameters:
- fpath: str
input file name
- Returns:
- lines
list of LineStrings
- class schimpy.schism_linestring.LineStringShapefileWriter
(fpath, lines[, spatial_reference, ...])read
- write(fpath, lines, spatial_reference=None, driver_name=None, **kwargs)
- Parameters:
- fpath: str
output file name
- lines: array of schism_linestring.LineString
list of LineStrings
- spatial_reference: osgeo.osr.SpatialReference
- default: NAD83, UTM zone 10N, meter
- todo: reference needs to be in api right now hard to use
- class schimpy.schism_linestring.LineStringYamlReader
- read(fpath, **kwargs)
- class schimpy.schism_linestring.LineStringYamlWriter
Write line strings from a YAML file
- write(fpath, lines)
- schimpy.schism_linestring.read_linestrings(fpath)
- schimpy.schism_linestring.write_linestrings(fpath, lines)
- Parameters:
- fpath: str
output file name
- lines: array of schism_linestring.LineString
list of LineStrings
schimpy.schism_mesh module
schimpy.schism_polygon module
Polygon data structure with preprocessor-related attributes and converters
- class schimpy.schism_polygon.SchismPolygon(shell=None, holes=None, prop=None)
A polygon class based on shapely.geometry.Polygon. This class has extra information
- Attributes:
Unitless area of the geometry (float)
- attribute
Returns a lower dimension geometry that bounds the object
Returns minimum bounding region (minx, miny, maxx, maxy)
Returns the geometric center of the object
Imagine an elastic band stretched around the geometry: that’s a
Access to geometry’s coordinates (CoordinateSequence)
A figure that envelopes the geometry
- exterior
Name of the geometry’s type, such as ‘Point’
True if the geometry’s coordinate sequence(s) have z values (are
- interiors
True if the geometry is closed, else False
True if the set of points in this geometry is empty, else False
True if the geometry is a closed ring, else False
True if the geometry is simple, meaning that any self-intersections
True if the geometry is valid (definition depends on sub-class),
Unitless length of the geometry (float)
Unitless distance by which a node could be moved to produce an invalid geometry (float)
Returns the oriented envelope (minimum rotated rectangle) that encloses the geometry.
- name
Returns the oriented envelope (minimum rotated rectangle) that encloses the geometry.
- prop
- type
WKB representation of the geometry
WKB hex representation of the geometry
WKT representation of the geometry
Separate arrays of X and Y coordinate values
(other[, decimal])True if geometries are equal at all coordinates to a specified decimal place.
(distance[, quad_segs, cap_style, ...])Get a geometry that represents all points within a distance of this geometry.
(point)Check the polygon contains the point
(other)Returns True if the geometry completely contains the other, with no common boundary points, else False
(other)Returns True if the geometry is covered by the other, else False
(other)Returns True if the geometry covers the other, else False
(other)Returns True if the geometries cross, else False
(other[, grid_size])Returns the difference of the geometries.
(other)Returns True if geometries are disjoint, else False
(other)Unitless distance to other geometry (float)
(other, distance)Returns True if geometry is within a given distance from the other, else False.
(other)Returns True if geometries are equal, else False.
(other, tolerance)True if geometries are equal to within a specified tolerance.
(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)Construct a Polygon() from spatial bounds.
(other)Unitless hausdorff distance to other geometry (float)
(distance[, normalized])Return a point at the specified distance along a linear geometry
(other[, grid_size])Returns the intersection of the geometries.
(val)Check the polygon intersects with the point
(distance[, normalized])Return a point at the specified distance along a linear geometry
(other[, normalized])Returns the distance along this geometry to a point nearest the specified point
()Converts geometry to normal form (or canonical form).
(other)Returns True if geometries overlap, else False
()Returns a point guaranteed to be within the object, cheaply.
(other[, normalized])Returns the distance along this geometry to a point nearest the specified point
(other)Returns the DE-9IM intersection matrix for the two geometries (string)
(other, pattern)Returns True if the DE-9IM string code for the relationship between the geometries satisfies the pattern, else False
()Returns a point guaranteed to be within the object, cheaply.
()Returns a copy of this geometry with the order of coordinates reversed.
(max_segment_length)Adds vertices to line segments based on maximum segment length.
(tolerance[, preserve_topology])Returns a simplified geometry produced by the Douglas-Peucker algorithm
([scale_factor, fill_color, opacity])Returns SVG path element for the Polygon geometry.
(other[, grid_size])Returns the symmetric difference of the geometries.
(other)Returns True if geometries touch, else False
(other[, grid_size])Returns the union of the geometries.
(other)Returns True if geometry is within the other, else False
- property attribute
- contains(point)
Check the polygon contains the point
- Parameters:
- point: np.ndarray or shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon
- Returns:
- bool
- intersects(val)
Check the polygon intersects with the point
- Parameters:
- point: np.ndarray or shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon
- Returns:
- bool
- property name
- property prop
- property type
- class schimpy.schism_polygon.SchismPolygonDictConverter
Convert a tree to a list of polygons
- read(data)
- class schimpy.schism_polygon.SchismPolygonIo
SchismPolygon I/O abstract class
- read(stream)
- class schimpy.schism_polygon.SchismPolygonIoFactory
A factory class for SchismPolygonIo
- get_reader(name)
- get_writer(name)
- registered_readers = {'dict': 'SchismPolygonDictConverter', 'shp': 'SchismPolygonShapefileReader', 'yaml': 'SchismPolygonYamlReader'}
- registered_writers = {'shp': 'SchismPolygonShapefileWriter', 'yaml': 'SchismPolygonYamlWriter'}
- show_registered_readers()
- class schimpy.schism_polygon.SchismPolygonShapefileReader
Read polygons from a shape file
(fpath)Read polygons from a Shapefile and return a list of SchismPolygons.
- read(fpath)
Read polygons from a Shapefile and return a list of SchismPolygons.
- Parameters:
- fpath: str
Filename of a Shapefile containing Polygons with data columns such as name, type, and attribute.
- Returns:
- list
list of SchismPolygons
- class schimpy.schism_polygon.SchismPolygonShapefileWriter
(fpath, polygons[, spatial_reference, ...])Convert SCHISM polygon YAML file to a shapefile
- write(fpath, polygons, spatial_reference=None, driver_name=None)
Convert SCHISM polygon YAML file to a shapefile
- Parameters:
- fpath: str
output file name
- polygons: array of schism_polygon.SchismPolygon
polygons to write
- spatial_reference: osgeo.osr.SpatialReference or crs string
default: NAD83, UTM zone 10N, meter
- driver_name: osgeo.ogr Driver name
default: ESRI Shapefile
- class schimpy.schism_polygon.SchismPolygonYamlReader
Read polygons from a SCHISM YAML polygon file
- read(fpath)
- class schimpy.schism_polygon.SchismPolygonYamlWriter
Write polygons into a YAML file
- write(fpath, polygons)
- schimpy.schism_polygon.read_polygons(fpath)
Read a polygon file
- schimpy.schism_polygon.write_polygons(fpath, polygons)
schimpy.schism_setup module
schimpy.schism_source module
- class schimpy.schism_source.SchismSource
A class to hold structure information
- Attributes:
- coord
- element_id
- note
- type
- property coord
- property element_id
- property note
- property type
- class schimpy.schism_source.SchismSourceIO(input)
A class to manage source/sink I/O
- read(fname)
- write(fname='')
- schimpy.schism_source.read_sources(fname)
schimpy.schism_sources_sinks module
schimpy.schism_structure module
- class schimpy.schism_structure.SchismStructure
A class to hold structure information
- Attributes:
- coords
- n_duplicate
- name
- node_pairs
- properties
- reference
- reference_pair
- type
- use_timeseries
- property coords
- property n_duplicate
- n_node_pairs()
- property name
- property node_pairs
- property properties
- property reference
- property reference_pair
- property type
- property use_timeseries
- class schimpy.schism_structure.SchismStructureIO(input)
A class to manage hydraulic structure I/O files
- Attributes:
- linecounter
(fname)Read in '' file.
([fname])Write out '' file.
- read(fname)
Read in ‘’ file.
- write(fname='')
Write out ‘’ file.
schimpy.schism_vertical_mesh module
SchismVerticalMesh class with a reader
- schimpy.schism_vertical_mesh.read_vmesh(fpath_vmesh, vgrid_version=None)
Read a vgrid file
schimpy.schism_yaml module
A customized version of YAML parser for SCHISM It stores document in an ordered dict and supports variable substitution.
- class schimpy.schism_yaml.ArgumentParserYaml(prog=None, usage=None, description=None, epilog=None, version=None, parents=[], formatter_class=<class 'argparse.HelpFormatter'>, prefix_chars='-', fromfile_prefix_chars=None, argument_default=None, conflict_handler='error', add_help=True)
Extended parser to handle YAML file as file input for ArgumentParser. If a file input given with ‘fromfile_prefix_chars’ has a YAML extension, ‘.yaml’, it will be handled as optional pairs for ArgumentParser. For example, ‘’ can use a YAML file for an input file of ArgumentParser as follow: parser = schism_yaml.ArgumentParserYaml(fromfile_prefix_chars=’@’) parser.parse_arg()
$ @args.yaml
And when ‘args.yaml’ contains: input1: 1 input2: 2 3
it has the same effect as $ –input1 1 –input2 2 3
(message)Prints a usage message incorporating the message to stderr and exits.
([status, message])format_usage
([args, namespace])print_usage
(registry_name, value, object)set_defaults
- class schimpy.schism_yaml.YamlAction(option_strings, dest, nargs=None, **kwargs)
Custom action to parse YAML files for argparse. This action reads in simple pairs of data from a YAML file, and feeds them to the parser. A YAML file must be a list of pairs without multiple levels of tree. Example: parser.add_argument(”–yaml”, action=YamlAction)
(parser, namespace, values[, ...])Call self as a function.
- schimpy.schism_yaml.dump(data, stream=None, Dumper=<class 'yaml.dumper.Dumper'>, **kwds)
Serialize a Python object into a YAML stream. If stream is None, return the produced string instead.
- schimpy.schism_yaml.load(stream)
Load a schism YAML
schimpy.separate_species module
Separation of tidal data into species The key function in this module is separate_species, which decomposes tides into subtidal, diurnal, semidiurnal and noise components. A demo function is also provided that reads tide series (6min intervl) from input files, seperates the species, writes results and optionally plots an example
- schimpy.separate_species.create_arg_parser()
- schimpy.separate_species.main()
- schimpy.separate_species.plot_result(ts, ts_semi, ts_diurnal, ts_sub_tide, station)
- schimpy.separate_species.run_example()
This is the data for the example. Note that you want the data to be at least 4 days longer than the desired output
- schimpy.separate_species.separate_species(ts, noise_thresh_min=40)
Separate species into subtidal, diurnal, semidiurnal and noise components
- Input:
ts: timeseries to be decomposed into species, assumed to be at six minute intervals. The filters used have long lenghts, so avoid missing data and allow for four extra days worth of data on each end.
- Output:
four regular time series, representing subtidal, diurnal, semi-diurnal and noise
- schimpy.separate_species.write_th(filename, ts_output)
This works fine for fairly big series
schimpy.simulation_timing module
- schimpy.simulation_timing.create_arg_parser()
- schimpy.simulation_timing.schism_timing(workdir, start=1, end=None, block_days=1.0)
schimpy.small_areas module
schimpy.sms2gr3 module
Manage conversion from SMS 2dm format to gr3. Some material borrowed @author: snegusse
- schimpy.sms2gr3.addnode(list)
- schimpy.sms2gr3.convert_2dm(file, outfile=None, elev2depth=False, logger=None)
- schimpy.sms2gr3.create_arg_parser()
schimpy.split_quad module
schimpy.stacked_dem_fill module
Routines to fill elevation (or other scalar) values at points from a prioritized list of rasters
- schimpy.stacked_dem_fill.ParseType(type)
- schimpy.stacked_dem_fill.Usage()
- schimpy.stacked_dem_fill.bilinear(points, gt, raster)
Bilinear interpolated point using data on raster points: npoint x 3 array of (x,y,z points) gt: geotransform information from gdal raster: the data
- schimpy.stacked_dem_fill.create_arg_parser()
- schimpy.stacked_dem_fill.filelist_main(demlistfile, pointlistfile, sep='')
higher level driver routine that parses the names of the DEMs from demfilelist points ( x,y or x,y,z ) from pointlistfile
- schimpy.stacked_dem_fill.fill_2dm(infile, outfile, files, na_fill=2.0)
- schimpy.stacked_dem_fill.fill_gr3(infile, outfile, files, elev2depth=True, na_fill=2.0)
- schimpy.stacked_dem_fill.main()
- schimpy.stacked_dem_fill.stacked_dem_fill(files, points, values=None, negate=False, require_all=True, na_fill=None)
Fill values at an array of points using bilinear interpolation from a prioritized stack of dems. This routine controls prioritization of the dems, gradually filling points that are still marked nan
- Parameters:
- files: list[str]
list of files. Existence is checked and ValueError for bad file
- points: np.ndarray
this is a numpy array of points, nrow = num of points and ncol = 2 (x,y).
- values: np.ndarray
values at each point – this is an output, but this gives an opportunity to use an existing data structure to receive
- negate: bool
if True, values will be inverted (from elevation to depth)
- require_all: bool
if True, a ValueError is raised if the list of DEMs does not cover all the points. In either case (True/False) a file is created or overwritten (dem_misses.txt) that will show all the misses.
- na_fill: float
value to substitute at the end for values that are NA after all DEMs are processed. If require_all = True na_fill must be None
- Returns:
- valuesnp.ndarray
Values at the nodes
- schimpy.stacked_dem_fill.test_main()
schimpy.station module
- schimpy.station.convert_db_station_in(outfile='', stationdb=None, sublocdb=None, station_request='all', default=-0.5)
- schimpy.station.convert_stations(input, output, write_sta_var='all')
Read a station shapefile/.in file and write to a .in/shapefile
- Parameters:
- inputfname
Path to input style file or station.shp style file with station id, x, y, z, name and subloc fields
- outputfname
Path to input style file or station.shp style file with station id, x, y, z, name and subloc fields
- write_sta_var‘all’ or list(str)
List of variables to put in output request from the choices ‘elev’, ‘air pressure’, ‘wind_x’, ‘wind_y’, ‘temp’, ‘salt’, ‘u’, ‘v’, ‘w’ or ‘all’ to include them all
- Returns:
- ResultDataFrame
DataFrame with hierarchical index (id,subloc) and columns x,y,z,name
- schimpy.station.create_arg_parser()
Create an argument parser
- schimpy.station.example()
- schimpy.station.flux_stations_from_yaml(inp)
Retrieve station id of fluxlines from yaml file or content
- schimpy.station.main()
A main function to convert polygon files
- schimpy.station.merge_station_subloc(station_dbase, station_subloc, default_z)
Merge BayDeltaSCHISM station database with subloc file, producing the union of all stations and sublocs including a default entry for stations with no subloc entry
- Parameters:
- station_dbaseDataFrame
This should be the input that has only the station id as an index and includes other metadata like x,y,
- station_sublocDataFrame
This should have (id,subloc) as an index
- Returns:
- ResultDataFrame
DataFrame that links the information.
- schimpy.station.read_flux_out(fpath, names, reftime)
Read fluxes from a SCHISM flux.out file
- Parameters:
- fpathstr
- Path to the file
- namesstr
- name of file that contains names of flux areas, typically something like flow_xsects.yaml
- reftimestr
- start of simulation, against which relative times will be calculated
- schimpy.station.read_obs_links(fpath)
Read an obs_links csv file which has comma as delimiter and (id,subloc,variable) as index
- schimpy.station.read_pointstrings(fpath)
- schimpy.station.read_staout(fname, station_infile, reftime, ret_station_in=False, multi=False, elim_default=False, time_unit='s')
Read a SCHISM staout_* file into a pandas DataFrame
- Parameters:
- fpathfname
Path to input staout file or a variable name in [“elev”, “air pressure”, “wind_x”, “wind_y”, “temp”, “salt”, “u”, “v”, “w”] whose 1-index will be mapped to a name like staout_1 for elev
- station_infilestr or DataFrame
Path to file or DataFrame from read_station_in
- reftimeTimestampe
Start of simulation, time basis for staout file elapse time
- ret_station_inbool
Return station_in DataFrame for use, which may speed reading of a second file
- multibool
Should the returned data have a multi index for the column with location and sublocation. If False the two are collapsed
- elim_defaultbool
If the MultiIndex is collapsed, stations with subloc “default” will be collapsed. Eg. (“CLC”,”default”) becomes “CLC_default”
- time_unitstring
Convertible to pandas frequency string, this is the timestamp of the file.
- Returns:
- ResultDataFrame
DataFrame with hierarchical index (id,subloc) and columns representing the staout data (collapsed as described above
>>> staout1,station_in = read_staout("staout_1","",reftime=pd.Timestamp(2009,2,10), ret_station_in = True,multi=False,elim_default=True) >>> staout6 = read_staout("staout_6",station_in,reftime=pd.Timestamp(2009,2,10),multi=False,elim_default=True)
- schimpy.station.read_station_dbase(fpath)
Read a BayDeltaSCHISM station data base csv file into a pandas DataFrame
The BayDelta SCHISM format is open, but expects these columns: index x y z ! id subloc “Name”
- Parameters:
- fpathfname
Path to input dbase style file
- Returns:
- ResultDataFrame
DataFrame with hierarchical index (id,subloc) and columns x,y,z,name
- schimpy.station.read_station_in(fpath)
Read a SCHISM file into a pandas DataFrame
This only reads the tabular part, and assumes the BayDelta SCHISM format with columns: index x y z ! id subloc “Name”
Note that there is no header and the delimiter is a space. Also note that the text beginning with ! is extra BayDeltaSCHISM extra metadata, not required for vanilla SCHISM
- Parameters:
- fpathfname
Path to input style file
- Returns:
- ResultDataFrame
DataFrame with hierarchical index (id,subloc) and columns x,y,z,name
- schimpy.station.read_station_out(fpath_base, stationinfo, var=None, start=None)
- schimpy.station.read_station_shp(fpath, pop_xy=True)
Read a shapefile and convert into a pandas DataFrame Parameters
- fpathfname
Path to input point shapefile - has station id, x, y, z, name and subloc labels (id is the station id, index will be autogenerated)
- pop_xybool
Repopulate the x & y fields with point coordinates?
- Returns:
- ResultDataFrame
DataFrame that has station id, x, y, z, name and subloc labels (id is the station id, index will be autogenerated)
- schimpy.station.read_station_subloc(fpath)
Read a BayDeltaSCHISM station_sublocs.csv file into a pandas DataFrame
The BayDelta SCHISM format has a header and uses “,” as the delimiter and has these columns: id,subloc,z
The id is the station id, which is the key that joins this file to the station database. ‘subloc’ is a label that describes the sublocation or subloc and z is the actual elevation of the instrument
Example might be: id,subloc,z 12345,upper,-0.5
Other columns are allowed, but this will commonly merged with the station database file so we avoid column names like ‘name’ that might collide
- Parameters:
- fpathfname
Path to input style file
- Returns:
- ResultDataFrame
DataFrame with hierarchical index (id,subloc) and data column z
- schimpy.station.staout_name(var)
- schimpy.station.station_names_from_file(fpath)
- schimpy.station.station_subset(fpath, run_start, locs, extract_freq, convert=None, stationfile=None, isflux='infer', miss='raise')
Extract a subset of stations from an staout file or flux.out file
- Parameters:
- fpathstr
Path to the output file to be read
- run_startpd.Timestamp
Start time (reference time) for the simulation elapsed time
- locspd.DataFrame or str
A DataFrame with rows specifying the data to subset or a string that is the path to such a file. There are a few options. Minimally this file should have either one column called “station_id” or one called “id” and another called “subloc”. If you use station_id, it should be an underscore-connected combination of id and subloc which should be unique, and this will be the treatment of the output. of the station. If you use “subloc” you can use “default” leave the subloc column blank. You can also use another optional column called “alias” and this will become the label used.
- extract_freqstr or pd.tseries.TimeOffset
Frequency to extract … this allows some economies if you want, say, 15min data. Use pandas freq string such as ‘15T’ for 15min
- convert: str or function
A small number of conversions are supported (“ft”, “ec” for uS/cm, “cfs” for flow)
- stationfilestr
Name of station file such as In the case of flow this will be a yaml file or fluxflag.prop file produced by our preprocessing system. If you leave this None, ‘’ in the same directory as the output file will be assumed for staout files. For flow, a string must be supplied but will be tested first in the directory of execution and then side-by-side in that order.
- isflux‘infer’ | True | False
Is the request for flux.out?
- miss‘raise’ | ‘drop’ | ‘nan’
What to do when a requested station_id does not exist. The default, raise, helps station lists from growing faulty. ‘drop’ will ignore the column and ‘nan’ will return nans for the column.
- Returns:
- ResultDataFrame
DataFrame that returns the converted and subsetted data. Column names will be the ids unless ‘alias’ is provided in locs, in which case those names will be swapped in.
- schimpy.station.station_subset_multidir(dirs, staoutfile, run_start, locs, extract_freq, convert, stationfile=None, names=None, isflux='infer', miss='raise')
Extract a subset of stations from an staout file or flux.out file across a list of directories
- Parameters:
- dirslist(str)
List of directories. The output dataframe will have a column multindex (dir,station_id) where dir is the directory of the output.
- fpathstr
Path to the output file to be read
- run_startpd.Timestamp
Start time (reference time) for the simulation elapsed time
- locspd.DataFrame or str
A DataFrame with rows specifying the data to subset or a string that is the path to such a file. There are a few options for staout station files. Minimally this file should have either one column called “station_id” or one called “id” and another called “subloc”. If you use station_id, it should be an underscore-connected combination of id and subloc and this will be the index treatment of the output. Flux files only have the station_id option. If you use “subloc” you can use “default” leave the subloc column blank. You can also include another optional column called “alias” and this will become the label used.
- extract_freqstr or pd.tseries.TimeOffset
Frequency to extract … this allows some economies if you want, say, 15min data. Use pandas freq string such as ‘15T’ for 15min
- convert: str or function
A small number of conversions are supported (“ft”, “ec” for uS/cm, “cfs” for flow)
- stationfilestr
Name or list of station file such as You can provide a list of the same length as dirs or a single value which will be assumed to be appropriate for all the directories. In the case of, you can use None and ‘’ in each directory will be assumed for staout files. For flow, a string (yaml file) must be supplied but will be tested first in the directory of execution and then side-by-side in that order.
- isflux‘infer’ | True | False
Is the request for flux.out?
- miss‘raise’ | ‘drop’ | ‘nan’
What to do when a requested station_id does not exist. The default, raise, helps station lists from growing faulty. ‘drop’ will ignore the column and ‘nan’ will return nans for the column.
- Returns:
- ResultDataFrame
DataFrame that returns the converted and subsetted data. Column names will be the ids unless ‘alias’ is provided in locs, in which case those names will be swapped in.
- schimpy.station.u(x)
- schimpy.station.write_pointstrings(fpath, station_in, request='all')
- schimpy.station.write_station_in(fpath, station_in, request=None)
Write a SCHISM file given a pandas DataFrame of metadata
- Parameters:
- fpathfname
Path to output file
- station_inDataFrame
DataFrame that has station id, x, y, z, name and subloc labels (id is the station id, index will be autogenerated)
- request‘all’ or list(str)
List of variables to put in output request from the choices ‘elev’, ‘air pressure’, ‘wind_x’, ‘wind_y’, ‘temp’, ‘salt’, ‘u’, ‘v’, ‘w’ or ‘all’ to include them all
- schimpy.station.write_station_shp(fpath, station_in)
Write a point Shapefile file given a pandas DataFrame of metadata
- Parameters:
- fpathfname
Path to output file
- station_inDataFrame
DataFrame that has station id, x, y, z, name and subloc labels (id is the station id, index will be autogenerated)
schimpy.subset_schism_output module
Created on Wed Oct 27 11:41:00 2021
@author: babban
- schimpy.subset_schism_output.create_arg_parser()
Create an argument parser return: argparse.ArgumentParser
- schimpy.subset_schism_output.create_partition(mesh, polygons, enforce_exact=False)
Takes a mesh and list of polygons and partitions according to where the centroids (mesh.centroids in schimpy) fall. Parameters ———— mesh : schimpy.SchismMesh The mesh to partition
polygons : Polygons (parsed from shape file or yaml into SCHIMPY
enforce_exact: bool Requires a unique, complete partition. Initially not implemented for True
Produces meshes and dicitonary(?) maps of local_to_global and global_to_local. (tuple or class)
- schimpy.subset_schism_output.partition_schout(in_Schout_Files, partition_shp, combined=True, exclude=[], transform={'salt_depth_ave': ('depth_ave', 'salt')})
Partitions schout binary output files (start with combined) into a set of smaller schout files corresponding to each partition.
Initially implementation will be nodal variables but ultimately native centered (edge centered velocity, prism centered tracers).
Transform is an opportunity to generate new variables that are well determined with the data from one time step, but not based on time-stenciled operations.
Exclude would be an opportunity to prune variables not desired by dropping variables, although certain variables that are required for well-formedness (zcor, wet-dry) and visualization would not be “excludable” so exclude = “all_data” could be used to exclude all but the non-excludable. No output, but side effect is production of files. p0000/
- schimpy.subset_schism_output.partition_scribeio(partition_shp, variables=['out2d', 'zCoordinates', 'salinity', 'horizontalVelX', 'horizontalVelY', 'verticalVelocity'])
Partitioning scribio format output files into a set of smaller files corresponding to each partitions. This function will loop all the schism scribeIO output files that contains varaibles defined by the input variables, and result subset outputs will be saved to a subset subdirectory.
- Parameters:
- partition_shparcgis shape file
- shape files contains polygons where subset of output desried
- variableslist of str
- Output variables to be subsetted
- schimpy.subset_schism_output.records(file)
- schimpy.subset_schism_output.subset_schism_output()
- schimpy.subset_schism_output.subset_schism_scribeIO_output(partition_shp)
- schimpy.subset_schism_output.write_global_local_maps(dest, global_local, local_global)
writes maps out in the schism + visit format. Note that the global owner of a shared node is the lowest rank that contains it.
schimpy.three_point_linear_norm module
- class schimpy.three_point_linear_norm.ThreePointLinearNorm(linthresh, vmin=None, vmax=None, clip=False)
- Attributes:
- clip
- vmax
- vmin
(value[, clip])Normalize the data and return the normalized data.
(A)Set vmin, vmax to min, max of A.
autoscale only None-valued vmin or vmax
(value)Maps the normalized value (i.e., index in the colormap) back to image data value.
(value)Homogenize the input value for easy and efficient normalization.
()return true if vmin and vmax set
- autoscale(A)
Set vmin, vmax to min, max of A.
- autoscale_None(A)
autoscale only None-valued vmin or vmax
- inverse(value)
Maps the normalized value (i.e., index in the colormap) back to image data value.
- Parameters:
- value
Normalized value.
- scaled()
return true if vmin and vmax set
schimpy.trimesh module
schimpy.triquadmesh module
schimpy.unit_conversions module
schimpy.vgrid_opt2 module
Package for optimising vgrid smoothness, shape and completeness
- schimpy.vgrid_opt2.example()
- schimpy.vgrid_opt2.fix_depth(zcor, zcornew, x)
- schimpy.vgrid_opt2.gradient_matrix(mesh, sidedist2, sidemasked)
- schimpy.vgrid_opt2.hess_base(xvar, zcorig, mesh, nlayer, ndx, eta, depth, gradmat, sidelen2, nodemasked, sidemasked, ata, dx2fac, curvewgt, foldwgt, foldfrac)
- schimpy.vgrid_opt2.incr_grad(grad, i, k, val, ndx)
- schimpy.vgrid_opt2.index_interior(mat, nodemasked, nlevel=None)
- schimpy.vgrid_opt2.laplace2(mesh, nodemasked, sidemasked)
produces a 2d matrix
- schimpy.vgrid_opt2.mesh_opt(zcor, mesh, nlayer, ndx, eta, depth, gradmat, sidelen2, nodemasked, sidemasked, ata, dx2fac, curvewgt, foldwgt, foldfrac, href_hess, grad_hess, laplace_hess, maxiter=8000)
- schimpy.vgrid_opt2.meshessp(xvar, p, zcorig, mesh, nlayer, ndx, eta, depth, gradmat, sidelen2, nodemasked, sidemasked, ata, dx2fac, curvewgt, foldwgt, foldfrac, href_hess, grad_hess, laplace_hess)
- schimpy.vgrid_opt2.meshgrad(xvar, zcorig, mesh, nlayer, ndx, eta, depth, gradmat, sidelen2, nodemasked, sidemasked, ata, dx2fac, curvewgt, foldwgt, foldfrac, href_hess, grad_hess, laplace_hess)
- schimpy.vgrid_opt2.meshobj(xvar, zcorig, mesh, nlayer, ndx, eta, depth, gradmat, sidelen2, nodemasked, sidemasked, ata, dx2fac, curvewgt, foldwgt, foldfrac, href_hess, grad_hess, laplace_hess)
- schimpy.vgrid_opt2.smooth_heights(zcor, x, wgt=0.2)
- schimpy.vgrid_opt2.targeth2inv(zbar, eta)
- schimpy.vgrid_opt2.test_gradients()
- schimpy.vgrid_opt2.test_vgrid_spacing(zcor, zcorig, nodemasked, foldfrac)
- schimpy.vgrid_opt2.triweight(n)
schimpy.write_ts module
- schimpy.write_ts.cdec_header(fname, ts, tz, var=None, unit=None)
Helper function to create a cdec-like header Requres some metadata like time zone, variable name and unit which will be pulled from series if omitted from input.
- Parameters:
- fname: str
Output file name or path
- ts: :class:``
The time series to be stored
- tz: string
Time zone of data
- var: string
Variable name
- unit: string
Unit of the time series
- Returns:
- head: string
CDEC-style header
- schimpy.write_ts.write_ts(ts, fname, dateformat='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', fmt='%.2f', header=None, sep=',')
Estimate missing values within a time series by interpolation.
- Parameters:
- ts: :class:``
The time series to be stored
- fname: string
Output file name or path
- dateformat: string
Date format compatible with datetime.datetime.strftime
- fmt: string
Value format compatible withy numpy.savetxt
- header: string
Header to add to top of file
- sep: string
Delimieter for fields, often a space or comma
- Returns:
Writing csv format with date format 2009-03-15 21:00 and space separated values
>>> write_ts(ts,"test.csv","%Y-%m-%d %H:%M","%.2f,%.2f","Datetime,u,v",",")
Write vtide format with same format and space separated values, this time taking advantage of defaults
>>> write_ts(ts,"test_vtide.dat",sep = " ")
Writing cdec format, with csv values and date and time separated. The header is generated with the cdec_header helper function
>>> head = cdec_header("practice.csv",ts,"PST","Wind Vel","m/s") >>> write_ts(ts,"test_cdec.csv",CDECDATEFMT,"%.2f",header=head)
Module contents
Top-level package for schimpy.