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Background Material and References

DSM2 Hydro is based on the FourPt computer program written by Lew DeLong in USGS. The original documentation for FourPt is available here. DSM2 adds improvements and enhancements to the FourPt model, including an improved input and output system.

DSM2 Qual is roughly based on QUAL-2E and the Branched Langrangian Transport Model (BLTM) written by Harvey Jacobson of USGS. 

Download DSM2 Versions

DSM2 has had many versions over the past 30 years. Some of the recent ones are available here

Downloads of DSM2 Versions


QUAL2E Documentation - Basis for QUAL Nonconservative Constituent Kinetics.pdf
Delta D1641 Water Quality Standards Full Reference.pdf
Four Point memo from USGS-basis for DSM2 HYDRO.pdf