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The tidefile is the HDF5-formatted binary file used to pass flow and geometry date from HYDRO to QUAL and PTM. The tidefile is specified as output by HYDRO in the IO_FILE table. It is specified as input to QUAL and PTM in the TIDEFILE section. Input tidefiles can be specified only in text.

Tidefiles can be stacked if desired, but this is an old feature that is now deprecated. Stacking means that the flow simulation can be divided temporally among several HYDRO runs and then the resulting tidefiles used sequentially in QUAL or PTM.



runtime    length   ${HYDROTIDEFILE} # begin run to 20JUL  

The following example uses one tidefile with an environmental variable for the file name. This is the most treatment.



runtime     20JUL1996  hist1.h5      # beginning of run to 20JUL  
20JUL1996   24JUL1996  hist2.h5   
last        length     hist3.h5      # end of previous to end of run  
01SEP1996   length     ficticious.h5 # no error: will never be opened   

This example uses several tidefiles tiled together to cover a longer period. Please let us know if you need this functionality, as it is a holdover from the old "repeating tide" days and will probably be deprecated.

Field Descriptions


When to start using the tidefile. Tidefiles must be listed in temporal order. The START_DATE of the first tidefile must fall on or before the start of the run. The START_DATE of subsequent tidefiles must exactly coincide with the END_DATES of preceding tidefiles. There is no associated "TIIME" part == tidefiles must be matched on calendar days. If a START_DATE is not given or is listed as "none", the timestamp in the tidefile will be used for the start. There are some special keywaords that can be used with START_DATE:

  • runtime: start time in tidefile
  • last: use this tidefile when the previous tidefile ends
  • none: use default.

When to stop using the tidefile. IF not given, the tidefile is used until it ends. The END_DATE of the last tidefile must overlap the runtime of the simulation. Note that this can be a little tricky because the ending time is the time 0000 of the END_DATE, so you may need another day. You can avoid this sort of problem by specifying your run dates with standard times (0000  instead of military 2400). There are some special keywords that can be used with END_DATE:

  • length: use all of the tidefile, up until its end
  • none: use default.

Name of the file. Use upper/lower case consistently because filenames are case sensitive.

Table Info



ENVVARs are often used for names of files, DSS paths, parameters that are varied over a study -- the substitution will occur at runtime.