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Reservoir Initial Condition


HYDRO requires a water surface initial condition at reservoirs. The Reservoir IC view allows the user to specify default initial conditions. The default initial condition is required, but will be overridden if a restart file is used.



# Description:
# Initial Condition of Clifton Court Forebay
RES_NAME          STAGE   
clifton_court     5.000          

The RESERVOIR_CONCENTRATION table attaches concentrations to boundary and source flows defined in QUAL. The table also assigns a time series to the source.

Field Descriptions


Name of reservoir where initial condition is to be applied.


Initial water surface elevation.

Table Info



Include Block:


Default initial values are replaced if a restart file is used.

Currently, QUAL cannot take a spatially distributed default initial condition for constituent concentrations. It has only a single scalar.

Consistency should be maintained between initial reservoir-channel stage differences and flows at nodes. If the reservoir is assigned a different initial stage than surrounding channels, the head difference implies a flow described by the reservoir equations (see Reservoir View). Unless you are very careful to balance the implied flow with other channel flows, the initial time step will have a mass imbalance. If what you want is an easy initial condition, try making stage in the reservoir equal to the stage in all the surrounding channels and making the initial flow zero. Alternatively, you can put up with the imbalance -- just run HYDRO for an hour or so extra before the start of any QUAL run you want do.