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Output Gate


The OUTPUT_GATE table is used by both HYDRO to specify output requests at a gate. Output is HEC-DSS or text format.



The table specifies the name for output request, as well as the location, variable being output, time aggregation and destination file.

Field Descriptions


Name of the output request. This is the identifier of the table and will be used in the B_PART of the output if it is in DSS format. It can be the same as the gate name but it doesn't have to be. Avoid using VARIABLE inside this name -- this causes redundancy in the output and the layering won't work correctly.


Name of the gate at which output is requested.


Name of the gate device, if applicable. You can request operational or physical data from a device as well as flow. You can also request some gate output (install,flow) that is not linked to a particular device. In this case, the field should be set to none


Model variable to be output. From a device you can request some physical data (width, height, elev), operational data (op_to_node, op_from_node, position ) or flow oriented from water body to node. From a gate with device=none you can request the variables install, or total flow oriented from water body to node


Time Interval of the output. Can be any DSS-compliant interval with a unit that is not calendar dependent (MIN, HOUR, DAY). This is a departure from previous versions of DSM2, which offered monthly output.


Period aggregation performed to convert the model time step into the time interval of the output. May be INST or AVE, but AVE can be meaningless for a lot of gate variables.


Name of the output file where the data will be stored. If the extension .txt is given, the output is automatically in text format. If a .dss extension is used, output is in HEC-DSS format.

Table Info



Parent Table:

Table is parent

Include Block:




  • Initially, the thing that is hard to get about gate output is the flow orientation. The output for the gate is oriented with the gate, which may or may not be in the upstream-downstream direction