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Operating Rule


Operating rules are user-written rules that manipulate model inputs such as gate operations, boundary flows based on observations of the current state of the running model. Operating rules are documented in detail in the DSM2 Op Rule Guide. The Operating Rules table lists the time series, expressions and rule definitions.



Defines the name, action and trigger of the operating rule.

Field Descriptions


Name of the operating rule. This is the identifier of the rule.


Definition of the action to be taken when the trigger transitions from FALSE to TRUE.


Trigger that activates the rule when it transitions from FALSE to TRUE. If the trigger is NULL it will become the trivial TRUE trigger, which is assumed to make a transition from FALSE to TRUE at startup (it is not "always" active).Use

Table Info



Parent Table:

Table is parent

Include Block:



This table lists time series that are used in forming action and trigger definitions. The table is not a child table -- it is a top-level layered table.

Field Descriptions


Name assigned to the time series. This is the identifier of the series. It is also the name used to refer to the series in expressions.


Method used to interpolate when the model time step is finer than the time series time step. Use "last" to use the last time stamp in the period (a HEC-DSS convention) and "linear" to interpolate linearly


Input  file (HEC-DSS or text file in HEC-DSS format) storing the time series or the word constant if the series is assigned a fixed value.


HEC-DSS path of the data within the Input File or the value (e.g. 2.0) if the series is assigned a fixed value.

Table Info



Parent Table:

Table is parent

Include Block:



This table allows the user to list expressions that can be reused later in operating rule actions and triggers. Expressions cannot depend on other expressions. Expressions are not a child table -- the table is a top-level layered table.

Field Descriptions


Name of the expression. This is the identifier of the expression. It is also the name used to refer to the expression in expressions. 


Definition of the expression -- this will be a forumula involving model variables, seasons and time series. The time series can be from the above time series table or elsewhere in the Input Time Series section. Please see the Operating Rules Guide for more details.

Table Info



Parent Table:

Table is parent

Include Block:


  • Numerous usage comments in the Operating Rules Guide.
  • Time series referenced in the operating rules may be defined in an OPRULE_TIME_SERIES table or they may be time series defined elsewhere, such as the name of a boundary flow.
  • Neither the OPRULE_EXPRESSION or OPRULE_TIME_SERIES table is a child table of OPERATING_RULE. However, it is common to put related items in the same file.