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DSM2 Seems to indicate missing irregular (gate position) data

Problem: Hydro displays the following.

Error in reading time-varying data:
Current time is 01SEP2001 2400; earliest data time for

Brad Tom Related to Jira issue. I think we should open an issue there as you are doing the practical fix for this known issue (smile)

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution
DSM2-106 Timeseries interpolation [<img
class="icon" alt="Bug" />](http://msb-jira/browse/DSM2-106?src=confmacro) Nov 30, 2011 Jan 03, 2022 Nicky Sandhu Ines Ferreira <img src="http://msb-jira/images/icons/priorities/medium.svg"
class="icon" alt="Medium" /> Resolved Won't Do

1 issue

But there are data values in this time series with dates before the current date.

The problem is: When using an IR-DECADE dss path, there must be a value with a timestamp that is at the beginning of the current decade. In this case, a record is required that has a timestamp of 31DEC2000 2400.

To fix this:

  1. Tabulate the data in HEC-DssVue. There is no beginning of decade timestamp.

2. Turn on "Allow Editing"

3. Select the row before the end of the previous decade, and select "Insert Rows":

4. Change "Number Rows" to 1.

5.Enter the timestamp that is needed, with a value equal to the value in the previous record: 

6. Save the data:


image2020-3-25_11-0-58.png (image/png)
image2020-3-25_10-39-44.png (image/png)
image2020-3-25_10-39-7.png (image/png)
image2020-3-25_10-38-32.png (image/png)
image2020-3-25_10-38-16.png (image/png)
image2020-3-25_10-37-42.png (image/png)
image2020-3-25_10-36-6.png (image/png)