Downloading Data
Station Lists
Specific Command Line Interfaces
usage: download_cdec [-h] [--dest DEST_DIR] [--id_col ID_COL]
[--param_col PARAM_COL] --start START [--end END]
[--param PARAM] [--stations [STATIONS ...]] [--overwrite]
[--freq FREQ]
[stationfile ...]
Positional Arguments
- stationfile
CSV-format station file.
Named Arguments
- --dest
Destination directory for downloaded files.
- --id_col
Column in station file representing CDEC ID. IDs with > 3 characters will be ignored.
- --param_col
Column in station file representing the parameter to download.
- --start
Start time, format 2009-03-31 14:00
- --end
Start time, format 2009-03-31 14:00
- --param
Variable to download
- --stations
Id or name of one or more stations.
- --overwrite
Overwrite existing files (if False they will be skipped, presumably for speed
- --freq
specify the frequency. Otherwise proceeds from even to hour to day. must be H or D
usage: download_nwis [-h] [--dest DEST_DIR] --start START [--end END]
[--param PARAM] [--stations [STATIONS ...]] [--overwrite]
[stationfile ...]
Positional Arguments
- stationfile
CSV-format station file.
Named Arguments
- --dest
Destination directory for downloaded files.
- --start
Start time, format 2009-03-31 14:00
- --end
End time, format 2009-03-31 14:00
- --param
Parameter(s) to be downloaded, e.g. 00065 = gage height (ft.), 00060 = streamflow (cu ft/sec) and 00010 = water temperature in degrees Celsius. See “” for complete listing. (if not specified, all the available parameters will be downloaded)
- --stations
Id or name of one or more stations.
- --overwrite
Overwrite existing files (if False they will be skipped, presumably for speed)
Script to download NOAA 6 minute water level data
usage: download_noaa [-h] [--start START] [--end END] [--syear SYEAR]
[--eyear EYEAR] [--param PARAM]
[--stations [STATIONS ...]] [--dest DEST_DIR] [--list]
[stationfile ...]
Positional Arguments
- stationfile
CSV-format station file.
Named Arguments
- --start
First date to download
- --end
Last date to download, inclusive
- --syear
First year to download
- --eyear
Last year to download, inclusive to end of the year.
- --param
Product to download: water_level, predictions, water_temperature, conductivity.
- --stations
Id or name of one or more stations.
- --dest
Destination directory for downloaded files.
- --list
List known station ids.
- --overwrite
Overwrite existing files (if False they will be skipped, presumably for speed
It has traditionally been difficult to write robots to scrape data from Water Data Library. The utility download_wdl is included but is not maintained and may fail to function or to retrieve recent files. There are newer web services (public) that we are testing, but NCRO has expressed some concern about overuse during peak hours when the services are used by staff to work on data. The current interface shown here is for downloading period of record files, so its interface is simpler, less flexible and different from the others.
#.. argparse:: # :module: dms_datastore.download_ncro # :func: create_arg_parser # :prog:
DWR Division of Environmental Services has been renamed but the name has not yet been updated here. These web services are internal to DWR. External users can get reformatted/screened data from our group or request data from DWR liasons who are identified on CDEC on a per-station basis.
usage: download_des [-h] [--dest DEST_DIR] [--start START] [--end END]
[--param PARAM] [--stations [STATIONS ...]] [--overwrite]
[stationfile ...]
Positional Arguments
- stationfile
CSV-format station file.
Named Arguments
- --dest
Destination directory for downloaded files.
- --start
Start time, format 2009-03-31 14:00
- --end
End time, format 2009-03-31 14:00
- --param
Parameter(s) to be downloaded.
- --stations
Id or name of one or more stations.
- --overwrite
Overwrite existing files (if False they will be skipped, presumably for speed)